Stixsmaster: Is the multiplayer part of Blood Fresh Supply disabled or something?
I have been trying to play since I bought it online and it keeps saying it cant find games without even showing an attempt to actually connect and search for any.
I provided a screenshot of what me and all my friends who have the latest gog version get when we try searching for multiplayer games.
Just crossing "t"s and dotting "i"s
Are you and your friends connecting through Galaxy or are you just running the anuket_x64.exe?
Also, is one of you actually hosting the game? B:FS It still works like the client2client connection rather than having a dedicated server up and running all the time. So one of you actually has to start hosting before the others can connect.
If that all fails you can always try connecting directly to a host IP address. Instructions
Paradoks: Yeah, that was very convenient, how Nightdive went from, "sorry, the patches are slow because we are working on a few projects simultaneously" to "oh no! we can't patch the game any more".
Kaiser was actually fairly good about getting a number of the bugs addressed, but I think we got ahead of him with the Blood_BUGS spreadsheet (link removed because the GOG forums are kinda gimpy). Reading through some of the comments on the KEX Discord, it sounds like he was getting annoyed with the way BUILD did things and some of his earlier "patches", like nurfing the killing doors, ended up causing more issues with the game than they were fixing. But undoing things would mean reverting back to an earlier state and then trying to redo what he had already done, with a better understanding of BUILD.
Even if he were able to do that and get something ready for approval by Atari, there is no guarantee that Atari would even care enough to give it the green light.