Syrion: Does anyone have any tips? I'd rather not lower the difficulty and at the current state of the development I also don't want to play through the game using BloodGDX.
BloodGDX is actually pretty well featured, it's only got a few little issues and updates, while they have slowed a little bit, are still coming fairly regularly.
But as for tips, explosives. Duke, Shadow Warrior, and Blood are all heavily explosive based, but Blood gives you some more tricks to help out against the tougher challenges. For instance, the dynamite alt-fire puts it on a timer, so you can bounce it around corners which can be invaluable if you're sitting there wondering if there are any enemies waiting for you. I've never found a whole lot of use for proximity dynamite, but remote dynamite can be super useful. I've not had trouble with my flares, but they are projectiles and so enemies can get out of the way if there's room for them too. The alt-fire for that is pretty devastating against crowds, and that's what I tend to use it for once I get the shotgun.
Speaking of the shotgun, alt-fire in close quarters, wider spread but pretty devasting. With a bit of distance, the primary fire is useful. Much further than that and you'll want to switch to the tommy gun. Not too sure about the tommy gun's alt-fire, it's a spray that I think deals a whole bunch of damage up close.
The napalm launcher is both rocket launcher and grenade launcher and can light enemies on fire if they're close to the blast. The tesla gun is a lot like the plasma gun from Doom, and its alt-fire is a charged blast that I think is pretty good against stone gargoyles. Voodoo doll alt-fire as well, which will blast it with the remaining ammo. I'll be honest, I don't use the life leech much, but its primary fire can clear a room pretty decent. Not too sure about its alt-fire, it lays down a turret that I figure can be useful if you switch to another weapon for extra firepower, but I can clear a lot of situations with some judicious dynamite throwing.