Posted May 19, 2019
I'm playing Fresh Supply now on Well Done difficulty, but it seems WAY too hard. I finished One Unit Whole Blood before on this difficulty, and all other Build engine games on the hardest difficulty, but this seems broken. The cultists reaction time is like 0,1 seconds, and they kill me under 2 seconds on max HP and armor. I never had to savescum my way through levels in the original Blood, and it really kills the fun for me.
Yes I know I have to "git gud", use cover, crouch and "plan my actions", but if I open a random door and 2 cultsts on my face and I die immediately, I cannot plan anything just the quickload button.
Any thoughts? I only report this because it's a new source port, and maybe something is broken.
Yes I know I have to "git gud", use cover, crouch and "plan my actions", but if I open a random door and 2 cultsts on my face and I die immediately, I cannot plan anything just the quickload button.
Any thoughts? I only report this because it's a new source port, and maybe something is broken.