SFJake: Heh, well the credits roll because the first episode, like in multiple shooters of the early days, was also used as a shareware episode that everybody could try.
And yes, the game is plenty long. With Cryptic Passage (which is Episode 5, Post Mortem is Episode 6), we're talking 53 levels. I find that far enough. Its 10+ hours of gameplay at least, and playing on Extra Crispy makes it take far longer (and its a lot of fun).
Its so good, though, I do wish there was more.
Thanks, and yeah I knew about the thing with old shooters and the 1st episode always being the shareware but for some reason I had a severe brain fart and it never occured to me. :P Hell when Duke3D came out I was in my bum phase and I just used to sit at home all day and play that whole episode over and over and over; I knew there was more but I figured why pay for what I don't need!? I appreciate the help. :D