Monsterblood12: okay so I got yang to work and whatnot, but now I'm stuck again. So I can't get past the source port setup on YANG. I correctly entered the DOS BOX file on the DosBox tab, but for some reason every time I enter the file for the Blood
tab, and then I click OK, errors keep coming up saying: "Invalid pathname / file....blah blah blah" or sometimes it will say: "Unaccepted / Unavalible source file name something or other blah blah blah." I have spent forever trying to figure this out and I really could use some help.
I have tried entering different forms of the blood file, for example, I first used the shortcut for the game, then I tried using the .exe within the file folder of the program, and so on. One thing I noticed is that my blood file once entered
into the empty field of the blood tab always ends with dosbox, because the game automatically runs off of that and I obviously bought the game off of this website. Hell, I even tried manually typing in C:\games\blood.exe in the field as shown in the example Ravey posted, but of course that didn't work either. So please, I need some answers :)
I've never tried YANG so this is just speculation, but I wonder if YANG is asking for the actual path of the DOSBox exe and the virtual path for Blood.exe, ie. where DOSBox emulates the Blood directory. Since Blood is at the root of C: when in DOSBox, try entering just C:\blood.exe as the path for Blood.