Posted November 17, 2010
This is frustrating and I have no experience with dosbox so bear with me.
You can change most of the controls from the options menu. Editing blood.cfg with your favorite text editor (i.e. Notepad) will also work. Mouse button settings, as far as I can tell, can't be set in game.
Run the setup shortcut in your start menu shortcuts, and you'll be able to adjust these settings. By default, mouselook is off. Just bind it to some random key, like u, and press it once while playing. From now on, mouselook will be on unless you toggle it back off.
If you did an ordinary install, the game should be installed in 'C:\Program Files\\One Unit Whole Blood', but you can right click the game and use 'find target' to locate it. This will actually take you to the game's DosBox directory, just go up a level.
If you ever get upset with your settings, delete blood.cfg and when you run the game, it will generate a new configuration file with the default settings.
If you'd like the settings I'm using, just download the attached image, rename it to "blood.cfg", and put it in the same folder as blood.exe (which, again, should be the One Unit Whole Blood folder). If it asks you if you want to overwrite blood.cfg, that means you're definitely doing it right. Tweak it as you see fit, but it's already configured with modern conventions like wsad and whatnot.
Post edited November 17, 2010 by LordKuruku