dtgreene: It's still my biggest complaint about Hollow Knight, and Blasphemous didn't seem to have enough to grab me otherwise. (In particular, the soundtrack doesn't seem to measure up to Hollow Knight's or Bloodstained's, and there's also the fact that the main character appears to be male, as opposed to Bloodstained's female protagonist or Hollow Knight's genderless one.)
(Also, I seem to have gotten burend out on Bloodstained, and am thinking I may want to play something slower paced, like replaying the remake of Final Fantasy 3 or SaGa 2, or going back to Nox Archaist; it should be obvious why Blasphemous would not be able to fill that role.)
sonic_titan_rides: How was I meant to know you are "burnt out" on that type of game? That's not the games fault. Obviously if you don't want to play that type of game, don't buy a new one; but that wasn't your question.
* I wasn't burnt out when I originally asked the question.
* While me being burnt out isn't the game's fault, the handling of saves and death, on the other hand, *is* the game's fault. Also, the lack of a DRM-free native Linux version is also the game's fault.
* I'm happily playing Final Fantasy 3 remake at the moment, even if there are some frustrating moments (the Garuda boss for one, back attacks for another, and the final dungeon is excessively long with no save points (to the point where I would not have been able to beat the game as a kid due to time limits on gaming).
* At some point, I'll be ready to play another Metroidvania, though it might be playing Bloodstained NG+ Nightmare, or even re-playing Timespinner or Dust: An Elysian Tail. (Note that these games are on the same branch of the Metroidvania tree, whereas the likes of Hollow Knight and Blasphemous are on a very different branch.)
* Also, note that I am not following this board any more.
* There may be some point in time I decide to get this game, but that time is not today.