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This game actually introduced me to the Blade Runner universe. I was 4 when my dad picked it up, and I always enjoyed watching him play it. I was actually surprised when I got older that there was a movie, and a book. I've beaten the game numerous times over the years, and there are a few questions that have been lingering in my brain this entire time, as well as a few observations I've made about a few characters. Was curious to see what you guys think.

1. Is McCoy REALLY a replicant? I know what Westwood was going for here, they wanted to leave it ambiguous so that the player could decide for themselves. But there are so many different parts of the game that seem to unambiguously state that he is one or the other. For example, even if McCoy is being a real Blade Runner, and sides against the replicants to the very end, Clovis and Sadik never stop referring to him as "brother". Sadik even tries one last time to convince him in the Kippel. If they were playing him, why keep the ruse up this long, when they know he isn't going to side with them? On the other hand, McCoy has been on the job for a year and a half, much longer than the month that Clovis's group have spent in LA. He's well known in the department, and by a number of the city's residents. Sure, paperwork can be faked, but you can't fake everyone who has known him this entire time. My personal theory/canon is that there WAS a real Ray McCoy, but that he was replaced by the McCoy that we play as. As to how that happened, who knows. I have a headcanon that I'll share later, if anyone is interested.

2. What is the deal with Lucy, if she's human? If she's a rep, it's a simple story. She was just a Lolita model that came to Earth in the moonbus, like the rest. But if she's human, how did she meet Clovis? How did she come to think of him as her father? She's been working at Runciter's for longer than a month if human, so she must have some sort of past. Maybe she was an orphan? Also, she is one of my favorite characters in the game, I won't deny being a BIT creeped out with her and McCoy being able to have a relationship when she's freaking 14. I have no idea how the Remastered version of the game is going to deal with this issue, if they'll change it or leave it the same. Personally. I would age her up to at least 18.

3.In the Moonbus photo, there's a hard copy you can get of what looks like a metal piece of the Moonbus, near the far right of the photo. McCoy comments that it's "damn strange". For the life of me, I've never gotten what this is supposed to mean. It just looks like a piece of metal to me. Anyone who knows, please tell me. It's been bugging me for years.

4. I could have been imagining it, but I swear that it's possible to see Deckard in Animoid row. Not just him in the background in a picture, but that he has an actual model that walks around. I know I saw it once, but I don't think he says anything if you click on him. I do remember that it looked exactly like him. Was I imagining this?

Anyone who had the patience to read through all of this, kudos to you. Hope you enjoy this game as much as I do.
I should say that this is spoilers territory so anyone else reading this, you've been warned!

1. Considering that it is intended by design to have McCoy be whatever the player plays him as, my thoughts are that he is either a human or a Rep sympathizer. He could also be a Replicant, provided that the player does not find the clue you mention on (3), so one could say that clue "does not exist" in that playthough's canon.

2. First off, I think that McCoy's intentions towards Lucy (in their ending) are not romantic. He resumes the role that Clovis had, and he is protecting Lucy. Lucy sees it differently but McCoy never encourages that. I think if she's human, she was approached by Clovis and/or Dektora and they got her to think she was part of their group. This could also have happened Off-World but earlier than when the Replicants escaped and crashed the moonbus.

3. The clue is a reflection of the barrel-on-fire that McCoy is sitting next to. However, the reflection does not have McCoy in it. This photo always has this clue. But the player is not supposed to find it easily, not at the first time(s) or without a guide. It implies that the photo is doctored as McCoy suspected, and Clovis is not beyond telling lies (he tells a similar one to the twins when they're not Replicants). Also Lucy (if she's tested as human on the VK) says that "father" has been lying to her and wonders why. I think Clovis and Sadik keep up the deception up till the end in hopes of getting McCoy confused.

4. Unfortunately, there's no such NPC model of Deckard in the game's files. Not in the versions I've looked through anyway. Deckard is only seen in that photo of Izo's (if you get that one), and otherwise he's only mentioned by other characters.
Bumping an old topic of mine to bring up a question that's been on my mind for awhile. In the event that you're playing McCoy as a Replicant, I've wondered how it is that he went from being one of the renegades at the Moonbus, to having his memory wiped and becoming a Blade Runner. You hear 2 conflicting accounts, from Guzza and Clovis. Guzza says that Clovis approached him and informed him of McCoy's status, as well as providing the incept photos. He also claims that Tyrell was using McCoy as an undercover agent to get inside the LAPD. Clovis however, states that Guzza wiped McCoy's memories of his experiences off-world, and implanted false memories in their place to see if McCoy could truly pass for a human.

I have problems with both of these stories. If Guzza is telling the truth, and he had no idea of McCoy's status before Clovis told him, how did McCoy end up with his memory wiped, serving in the LAPD? Was he captured by agents of Tyrell, and forcibly given a mind wipe? Dektora, if given the VK, states that perhaps McCoy killed a human and took his place. In this case, maybe there was a real Ray McCoy, and our McCoy is a duplicate? And if Clovis is telling the truth, did Guzza capture him at some point and reprogram him? How would he even know how to do so?

Personally, I just can't see any other logical explanation other than that McCoy is always human, and Clovis and Guzza were both manipulating him. Nothing else makes sense. Is there any cut content that could explain this?
Post edited April 01, 2022 by Chris724