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User Devilmarkus seems to be the creator of this game and he hinted at being able to offer the uncensored scenes from the floppy disk version of the game, combined with the gameplay from the CD version (available here).

Now - not that I really "need" it, but I think it would be nice to have the original version as originally created available. GOG is almost(?) like a museum of my childhood to me and I do prefer to have the original versions available as well.

What do you think?
specialsymbol: User Devilmarkus seems to be the creator of this game and he hinted at being able to offer the uncensored scenes from the floppy disk version of the game, combined with the gameplay from the CD version (available here).

Now - not that I really "need" it, but I think it would be nice to have the original version as originally created available. GOG is almost(?) like a museum of my childhood to me and I do prefer to have the original versions available as well.

What do you think?
Who doesn't prefer the complete experience over the incomplete one? Especially if we have here the extraordinarily rare case of a developer (not the original one, but one who obviously cares) that goes to such lengths in order to provide the complete as possible experience.
I too haven't picked up Biing! immediately because it's "just" the CD-ROM version and I still have the original 12(?) floppy disks stashed away somewhere but considering this commitment to do right by those pesky completionists I'm going to rectify that as soon as possible.
specialsymbol: User Devilmarkus seems to be the creator of this game and he hinted at being able to offer the uncensored scenes from the floppy disk version of the game, combined with the gameplay from the CD version (available here).

Now - not that I really "need" it, but I think it would be nice to have the original version as originally created available. GOG is almost(?) like a museum of my childhood to me and I do prefer to have the original versions available as well.

What do you think?
CMiq: Who doesn't prefer the complete experience over the incomplete one? Especially if we have here the extraordinarily rare case of a developer (not the original one, but one who obviously cares) that goes to such lengths in order to provide the complete as possible experience.
I too haven't picked up Biing! immediately because it's "just" the CD-ROM version and I still have the original 12(?) floppy disks stashed away somewhere but considering this commitment to do right by those pesky completionists I'm going to rectify that as soon as possible.
Well, some people did get upset about the original designs, so it's a matter of taste, I guess.

Ah, I still have some floppy disk games around, too- but I don't have a drive for floppys anymore. Yet I still miss the good old "Insert Disk 22" joke from Monkey Island every time I play the remake.
specialsymbol: User Devilmarkus seems to be the creator of this game and he hinted at being able to offer the uncensored scenes from the floppy disk version of the game, combined with the gameplay from the CD version (available here).

Now - not that I really "need" it, but I think it would be nice to have the original version as originally created available. GOG is almost(?) like a museum of my childhood to me and I do prefer to have the original versions available as well.

What do you think?
Where was this hinted at? It's certianly possible depending how the game was programmed. I don't have assets from the floppy version to compare or try
specialsymbol: User Devilmarkus seems to be the creator of this game and he hinted at being able to offer the uncensored scenes from the floppy disk version of the game, combined with the gameplay from the CD version (available here).
maddogg2020: Where was this hinted at? It's certianly possible depending how the game was programmed. I don't have assets from the floppy version to compare or try
He posted it as a review on the Biing store page:

"I am planning also the disk release, but I am into trouble with the password protection here.

The CD version had a patched exe on an extra disk, which I used for this release here. (v 1.44)

I could create a version with all graphics from the first disk game, but with gameplay for the CD version."
maddogg2020: Where was this hinted at? It's certianly possible depending how the game was programmed. I don't have assets from the floppy version to compare or try
DMonath: He posted it as a review on the Biing store page:

"I am planning also the disk release, but I am into trouble with the password protection here.

The CD version had a patched exe on an extra disk, which I used for this release here. (v 1.44)

I could create a version with all graphics from the first disk game, but with gameplay for the CD version."
Ah, I did notice that review, but didn't connect that it was someone actually attached to the original project or who could prepare a release. Depending on how the copy protection is done, it's likely possible to fix. However, some GoG releases have copy protection still and depending how it's done, the clue key or whatever method could just be added as a goodie. The Star Trek point and clicks still have their copy protection for example.
Hello together,

the people behind "Biing!" sadly both passed away some years ago, so we don't have any source codes or something similar to work with.

It would be simple to offer the 1:1 disk version, but the BIPRO.EXE of this release uses a password protection.

I only have the German game manual, so English users would get into trouble passing this password check.

If someone has a working copy of the disk version, without password protection, please contact me.

Please keep in mind that most cra**ed versions of this game have the problem, that items in the game are getting destroyed, the opinion of the patients sinks, and other funny things can happen, so these versions aren't really appreciated as base.
Devilmarkus: Hello together,

the people behind "Biing!" sadly both passed away some years ago, so we don't have any source codes or something similar to work with.

It would be simple to offer the 1:1 disk version, but the BIPRO.EXE of this release uses a password protection.

I only have the German game manual, so English users would get into trouble passing this password check.

If someone has a working copy of the disk version, without password protection, please contact me.

Please keep in mind that most cra**ed versions of this game have the problem, that items in the game are getting destroyed, the opinion of the patients sinks, and other funny things can happen, so these versions aren't really appreciated as base.
Hey Markus,

Lars hier, aus dem GOG-Thread drüben im Biing-Fansite-Forum.

Original hab' ich leider auch "nur" 'ne CD-Version, weswegen ich mir ja hier auch sofort die digitale Wiederveröffentlichung zugelegt habe. Eben im Glauben, das es sich entweder um die Disketten-Version handelt oder das zumindest die Disketten-Version als Dreingabe beigelegt ist.

Digital vorliegen hätte ich aber noch 'ne, auf 1996 datierte Kopie der unentschärften Disketten-Version, die ich mir seinerzeit auf 'ner LAN gezogen hatte.
Ob es sich dabei um eine Version ohne Passwortschutz handelt, kann ich natürlich nicht mit Bestimmtheit sagen. Ein hörbarer Unterschied wäre, u.a. das während der Gebäudegrundriss/Lageplan-Ansicht ein anderes Musikstück (nämlich das aus der CD-Version) als in der Amiga-Version abgespielt wird und das die Häufigkeit der allgemeinen Hintergrundgeräusche im Vergleich zur Amiga-Version gefühlt auch runtergeschraubt wurde.

Wenn sich die im folgenden aufgelisteten Angaben und Prüfsummen mit denen der passwortgeschützten BIPRO.EXE überschneiden sollten, dann ist meine digitale Kopie in der Hinsicht wohl auch nicht zu gebrauchen.

Größe: 476020 Bytes (464 KiB)
CRC32: 423D3CC0
CRC64: 00AB87E01AE79B3C
SHA256: DAF53F11ADA64822C3AD5A6CA226098EEFA399D0F62622D02182C41FB8C6416E
SHA1: BCC425EB02EAECAB3977D9657197BE552650488A
BLAKE2sp: 52A0BA0E1814DC2CE325095F474C9B2E48C2429003A8DE3C0A92BAAA3C044383

Einfach nur die deutsche Disketten-Version nachreichen geht wahrscheinlich nicht, weil sich da GOG querstellt? Wäre zugegebenermaßen auch unfair gegenüber der englischsprachigen Kundschaft, die dann vielleicht auch schon zugeschlagen hat und im Nachhinein den Kürzeren gezogen hätte.

Andersrum könnte man vielleicht auch wegen dem englischen Handbuch (im Biing-Fansite-Forum oder über andere soziale Medien) herumfragen?

Diese, aus allen möglichen Versionen zusammengeschraubte Spezial-Version ist aber nach wie vor noch geplant bzw. bereits in Arbeit? Und dann auch jeweils in einer deutschen und englischen Variante?
Devilmarkus: Hello together,

the people behind "Biing!" sadly both passed away some years ago, so we don't have any source codes or something similar to work with.

It would be simple to offer the 1:1 disk version, but the BIPRO.EXE of this release uses a password protection.

I only have the German game manual, so English users would get into trouble passing this password check.

If someone has a working copy of the disk version, without password protection, please contact me.

Please keep in mind that most cra**ed versions of this game have the problem, that items in the game are getting destroyed, the opinion of the patients sinks, and other funny things can happen, so these versions aren't really appreciated as base.
IDzetkni: Hey Markus,

Lars hier, aus dem GOG-Thread drüben im Biing-Fansite-Forum.

Original hab' ich leider auch "nur" 'ne CD-Version, weswegen ich mir ja hier auch sofort die digitale Wiederveröffentlichung zugelegt habe. Eben im Glauben, das es sich entweder um die Disketten-Version handelt oder das zumindest die Disketten-Version als Dreingabe beigelegt ist.

Digital vorliegen hätte ich aber noch 'ne, auf 1996 datierte Kopie der unentschärften Disketten-Version, die ich mir seinerzeit auf 'ner LAN gezogen hatte.
Ob es sich dabei um eine Version ohne Passwortschutz handelt, kann ich natürlich nicht mit Bestimmtheit sagen. Ein hörbarer Unterschied wäre, u.a. das während der Gebäudegrundriss/Lageplan-Ansicht ein anderes Musikstück (nämlich das aus der CD-Version) als in der Amiga-Version abgespielt wird und das die Häufigkeit der allgemeinen Hintergrundgeräusche im Vergleich zur Amiga-Version gefühlt auch runtergeschraubt wurde.

Wenn sich die im folgenden aufgelisteten Angaben und Prüfsummen mit denen der passwortgeschützten BIPRO.EXE überschneiden sollten, dann ist meine digitale Kopie in der Hinsicht wohl auch nicht zu gebrauchen.

Größe: 476020 Bytes (464 KiB)
CRC32: 423D3CC0
CRC64: 00AB87E01AE79B3C
SHA256: DAF53F11ADA64822C3AD5A6CA226098EEFA399D0F62622D02182C41FB8C6416E
SHA1: BCC425EB02EAECAB3977D9657197BE552650488A
BLAKE2sp: 52A0BA0E1814DC2CE325095F474C9B2E48C2429003A8DE3C0A92BAAA3C044383

Einfach nur die deutsche Disketten-Version nachreichen geht wahrscheinlich nicht, weil sich da GOG querstellt? Wäre zugegebenermaßen auch unfair gegenüber der englischsprachigen Kundschaft, die dann vielleicht auch schon zugeschlagen hat und im Nachhinein den Kürzeren gezogen hätte.

Andersrum könnte man vielleicht auch wegen dem englischen Handbuch (im Biing-Fansite-Forum oder über andere soziale Medien) herumfragen?

Diese, aus allen möglichen Versionen zusammengeschraubte Spezial-Version ist aber nach wie vor noch geplant bzw. bereits in Arbeit? Und dann auch jeweils in einer deutschen und englischen Variante?
Hallo Lars,

lass mir bitte mal diese Version zukommen.

Das größte Problem, was ich bislang habe, ist, dass ich keine Englische Version der Disk-Version besitze.

Der einfachste Weg wäre, aus jeweils beiden CD Versionen neue Versionen zu machen, wo die Räume denen der Disk-Version identisch sind.

Patchen müsste / sollte man das Spiel ja sowieso auf Version 1.4 somit würde die Passwortabfrage eh wegfallen.

Allerdings sind eben in der BIPRO.EXE ab Patch so-und-so einige Änderungen im internen Spielablauf (Oberweite ist nicht mehr ausschlaggebend, bzw nicht mehr so stark)

Die Grafiken austauschen kann ich Problemlos, es wäre dann aber nur eine Kosmetische Veränderung des Spiels.
Privat-Nachricht ist raus.
Hoffe, das mit der Version was anzufangen ist.
high rated
Thankyou much, IDzetkni, for providing me an untouched version of the disk release!

I just created a version based on the original German disk version and sent to GOG.
- The player has to install the game, like back in the days from disk.
- The player needs to configure sound and game settings
- Uncensored disk version 1.0 with password protection (Manual included)
- Bugged! (V1.0 had many bugs, causing crashes back to DOS)
- Optionally the possibility to play v1.4 (after installing it)
- Optionally possible to remove the password check (When the player knows how to use the dosbox, no guide for that!)

It seems the English game only existed on CD / censored, so sadly I can only offer the German version.
Probably the old manual was different than the one I have, as PDF, so perhaps the setup will be updated later.

You'll find this setup as soon as possible in "Extras" :)

As attachment you can see the differences between the disk version (left side) and the cd version (right side)

Enjoy it!

compare.jpg (464 Kb)
setup.jpg (151 Kb)
install1.jpg (56 Kb)
install2.jpg (123 Kb)
Post edited February 27, 2020 by Devilmarkus
Any word on the disk version being available ? [some sort of idea / feel for how long the process would likely take, if there's release-testing or whatnot involved?]

Not looking to be a pain in the behind - just trying to get some sort of feel for when we can look for it in the Extras :).

[Also - BIG thank you for putting in that extra effort!]
shathal: Any word on the disk version being available ? [some sort of idea / feel for how long the process would likely take, if there's release-testing or whatnot involved?]

Not looking to be a pain in the behind - just trying to get some sort of feel for when we can look for it in the Extras :).

[Also - BIG thank you for putting in that extra effort!]
With it still not being available in the extras (although one would think this should be a matter of a couple minutes of testing and pushing it out at most) it looks like it's probably not that high on the list of priorities right now. Which is a little annoying, also since it's nearing two months of GOG seemingly just sitting on it, but understandable with the current extraordinary circumstances.
Is there a comprehensive list of all the differences between the original and the censored version?