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Well, it's coming, that's the certain bit. :)

I'll update this thread regularly with new info.

Info mostly from Laura Kate Dale's twitter (she's been a very reliable leak source for the Switch/Nintendo)

– It won't be BG&E2; it's an extended sequel
– Working title is "Odyssey"
– Intended release 2018
– one year of Switch exclusivity, PS4/Xbone + PC versions follow then
– more info to follow at E3 2017

E3 2017 - 12 Jun 2017

– Beyond Good & Evil 2 has officially been announced with that title.
– It's a prequel, and neither Jade nor Pey'J will play a significant role
– Ubisoft seems to pull an "Elite Dangerous" to shoehorn online crap into a single player game
– Ancel describes the concept as "GTA in space", which no one ever wanted, ever
– Trailer looks cool though. :)

I won't be able to update this thread with a lot of new info because I can't post links at this time due to excessive downvoting on my account; then again, I've lost almost all interest in the game when Ubisoft's shit became apparent in the game's concept anyway.
Post edited June 13, 2017 by Vainamoinen
Perhaps that's why Ubisoft decide to give away first BG&E in order to create momentum for its release?
Nice, now to get Psychonauts 2 onto the Switch and I'll be the happiest camper you've ever seen... :D
Hello just checking in a month before E3 2017. Some news came out recently, and it sounds like we will get to see BGE Remake this year, just not at E3.
And here's the newest trailer :)
Besides anthropomorphic animals what does that trailer have common with BGaE?
I know it's just trailer but to me it has nothing to do with it so far.
Vitek: Besides anthropomorphic animals what does that trailer have common with BGaE?
I know it's just trailer but to me it has nothing to do with it so far.
Yes, that's exactly what I thought. But keep in mind that there is only one BGaE game at the moment, so that we can't really say what really defines a Beyond Good And Evil game. But yes, I also doubt that a big change of the gameplay compared to the first game would not be needed, probably would even be bad.

The statement of Michel Ancel, that it will be a GTA in space makes me kind of worried. As if there aren't enough GTA-style open world games out there at the moment. Why not try something more or less original like BGaE1 again?
A sequel!...err, PREQUEL IS COMING!

Right now, can not be too picky as to sequel/prequel: it is being handled my Michel Ancel himself and his team so my hopes are HIGH. Just seeing it being made official on the Ubisoft webpage is just... wow.

Second, it's a trailer. You got the main theme playing at the end, the woman with the green eyes, Mammago (possible) rhino, an eccentric world, sci-fi setting, diverse cast of characters, massive land to explore, vehicles to drive/pilot, inevitiable chase sequences...

Yeah, it is looking mighty realistic and there might be 'some' explicit language, but hey, knowing the setting from the last game and who is still working on it (Ancel), I am sure it'll be EXTRAVAGANT when it is released.

Though I may eat my words and it can be utter crap cause of micromanagment or lack of funds. Whatever the case maybe, my body is ready.
I guess it's not as far along as I thought, according to Michel Ancel, the game is at 'day-zero' of development. They haven't really begun working on the game yet. =\
Some serious shit going on with development. Apparently Ubisoft never committed to any launch platforms. Which is odd seeing that the rumor mill was pretty adamant the game would be a timed Switch exclusive. I guess if development takes more than two years (which is likely), Ubi won't bother releasing this on PS4/Xbone but rather on the next console generation.

Then I've seen crazy but oh so expectable shit in a survey Ubi conducted. They're testing the waters as to how much of their open world/games as a service/forced multiplayer crap the BG&E fans are taking, and while people seem to be quite opposed to the "games as a service" bit, it seems like they'll accept multiplayer and embrace a bigger=better open world shenannigan.
Vainamoinen: Some serious shit going on with development. Apparently Ubisoft never committed to any launch platforms. Which is odd seeing that the rumor mill was pretty adamant the game would be a timed Switch exclusive. I guess if development takes more than two years (which is likely), Ubi won't bother releasing this on PS4/Xbone but rather on the next console generation.

Then I've seen crazy but oh so expectable shit in a survey Ubi conducted. They're testing the waters as to how much of their open world/games as a service/forced multiplayer crap the BG&E fans are taking, and while people seem to be quite opposed to the "games as a service" bit, it seems like they'll accept multiplayer and embrace a bigger=better open world shenannigan.
And to think that I was a part of that forum...

Anywho, I am hoping with this fiasco with EA, in terms of "games as a service", I do hope a lot of companies step back and think not with their wallets (at least the over filled ones to put more money) and more of the gamers: what will keep them coming back to the game as a legacy instead of a franchise.
Jerichomccoy: And to think that I was a part of that forum...

Anywho, I am hoping with this fiasco with EA, in terms of "games as a service", I do hope a lot of companies step back and think not with their wallets (at least the over filled ones to put more money) and more of the gamers: what will keep them coming back to the game as a legacy instead of a franchise.
Ubisoft is "all in" on this one. And that's just not a good thing, it just isn't. Ubisoft makes ridiculously expensive, ridiculously big, ridiculously repetitive open world games now, and those are a huge gamble for all of those huge AAA companies on the one hand, and on the other, it's just a bad fit for the Beyond Good & Evil franchise.
Vainamoinen: Ubisoft is "all in" on this one. And that's just not a good thing, it just isn't. Ubisoft makes ridiculously expensive, ridiculously big, ridiculously repetitive open world games now, and those are a huge gamble for all of those huge AAA companies on the one hand, and on the other, it's just a bad fit for the Beyond Good & Evil franchise.
I had to check, but the latest thing Ubisoft I actually bought was Child of Light.... and that wasn't even in their list of games on their site. Most of those I don't really care to even try because huge repetitive (generated via computer) open world games are not my style. At least handcraft that open world, hire some art teams... have fun with it... lots of empty room between hand crafted areas just is padding the map.

I remember I had a lot of fun with the LowD version of Beyond Good & Evil when I bought it, I should take it out again because it is a cute and fun game. The story is fun as well, might be a bit predictable but still entertaining.
Knowing Ubisoft, it's going to be a Long time before it shows up here. Assuming it shows up at all and I'm wondering how likely it will with there being an online component that is uncompromising on DRM.