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stratosg: well trust me and get over the controls... i was estranged in the beginning too but i am REALLY glad i got used to them... it's an awesome game!
Wishbone: The problem is, if we keep buying shitty console ports, guess what? The developers will keep making shitty console ports. No, this has to stop.

Yes, let's encourage them to not port games at all. That'll help. Oh how I wish they'd never ported BG&E to PC at all.
Nah, the game rocked. The controls were weird, but I got used to them, and they didn't ruin the game. They made a good game. I bought it. They make a good sequel, I'll buy it.
stratosg: well trust me and get over the controls... i was estranged in the beginning too but i am REALLY glad i got used to them... it's an awesome game!
Wishbone: The problem is, if we keep buying shitty console ports, guess what? The developers will keep making shitty console ports. No, this has to stop.

Well you already bought the game, so you have already supported them now you can play the game too, or else you just threw money in the toilet.
Wishbone: The problem is, if we keep buying shitty console ports, guess what? The developers will keep making shitty console ports. No, this has to stop.
WBGhiro: Well you already bought the game, so you have already supported them now you can play the game too, or else you just threw money in the toilet.

True, but I've lost all interest in playing the game. I certainly won't be buying the second one. I've grown so tired of shitty console ports that I've sworn off buying any game that's developed for consoles and ported to PC afterwards. I didn't actually know that BG&E was a console port when I bought it, and I guess that's my own fault for not doing my homework properly.
WBGhiro: Well you already bought the game, so you have already supported them now you can play the game too, or else you just threw money in the toilet.
Wishbone: True, but I've lost all interest in playing the game. I certainly won't be buying the second one. I've grown so tired of shitty console ports that I've sworn off buying any game that's developed for consoles and ported to PC afterwards. I didn't actually know that BG&E was a console port when I bought it, and I guess that's my own fault for not doing my homework properly.

Can i tell you something? you're a closeminded twat (please don't be offended, it's meant as an friendly insult) saying that you can't enjoy the game beacuse the x axis is inverted, is as dumb as saying that isometric games are inferior to fps games.
just play it for 5 minutes and you'll get used to it.
Wishbone: True, but I've lost all interest in playing the game. I certainly won't be buying the second one. I've grown so tired of shitty console ports that I've sworn off buying any game that's developed for consoles and ported to PC afterwards. I didn't actually know that BG&E was a console port when I bought it, and I guess that's my own fault for not doing my homework properly.
WBGhiro: Can i tell you something? you're a closeminded twat (please don't be offended, it's meant as an friendly insult) saying that you can't enjoy the game beacuse the x axis is inverted, is as dumb as saying that isometric games are inferior to fps games.
just play it for 5 minutes and you'll get used to it.

Oh, namecalling. Listen fanboy, maybe you can get over yourself for long enough that your world won't crumble because another person has a different opinion of the game on which you base your life. Please don't be offended, I meant it as a friendly insult.
And no, it is nothing like stating that isometric games are inferior to FPS games. It's a statement of my opinion of this particular game in its entirety. I'm tired of lazy console ports, end of story. I could care less if this is the game of the century (which I'm sure it isn't), I have plenty of other games to play.
WBGhiro: Can i tell you something? you're a closeminded twat (please don't be offended, it's meant as an friendly insult) saying that you can't enjoy the game beacuse the x axis is inverted, is as dumb as saying that isometric games are inferior to fps games.
just play it for 5 minutes and you'll get used to it.
Wishbone: Oh, namecalling. Listen fanboy, maybe you can get over yourself for long enough that your world won't crumble because another person has a different opinion of the game on which you base your life. Please don't be offended, I meant it as a friendly insult.
And no, it is nothing like stating that isometric games are inferior to FPS games. It's a statement of my opinion of this particular game in its entirety. I'm tired of lazy console ports, end of story. I could care less if this is the game of the century (which I'm sure it isn't), I have plenty of other games to play.

Well i guess i owe you an apology, i'm sorry that i triggered this reaction, i just tend to frequent forums/communities with a bit more "loose" use of words, i did not have the intention to insult you because of your opinion.
I just thought it was a banal thing to just pass the game because of the camera control, so i wanted to poke you a bit about it, nothing more; so i'll hope you accept my apology.
( i just hope your answer wasn't meant as joke too, then i would have responded properly)
Wishbone: Oh, namecalling. Listen fanboy, maybe you can get over yourself for long enough that your world won't crumble because another person has a different opinion of the game on which you base your life. Please don't be offended, I meant it as a friendly insult.
And no, it is nothing like stating that isometric games are inferior to FPS games. It's a statement of my opinion of this particular game in its entirety. I'm tired of lazy console ports, end of story. I could care less if this is the game of the century (which I'm sure it isn't), I have plenty of other games to play.
WBGhiro: Well i guess i owe you an apology, i'm sorry that i triggered this reaction, i just tend to frequent forums/communities with a bit more "loose" use of words, i did not have the intention to insult you because of your opinion.
I just thought it was a banal thing to just pass the game because of the camera control, so i wanted to poke you a bit about it, nothing more; so i'll hope you accept my apology.
( i just hope your answer wasn't meant as joke too, then i would have responded properly)

I usually take it in stride, if I sense that the insult is playful rather than spiteful. The way yours was worded, I wasn't quite sure, so I worded my own in a similar way, even though it was about half of each. So, apology accepted, and I apologize as well for overreacting.
I'm just tired of hearing that because someone else is comfortable with something, I should be comfortable with it too. People are different, and just because you can see past poor camera control, it doesn't mean that I can. Is that a shortcoming of mine? Probably, but that's how it is. I may give the game another chance if I run out of things to play, but at the moment it would be subjecting myself to needless grievances.
Today I discovered that in the beginning of this month someone uploaded gameplay, pre-rendered film or something like that from, probably, Beyond Good & Evil 2. Enjoy! :)
Post edited May 25, 2009 by Nox_A15
I was bummed we didn't see this game at E3. In fact, pretty much everything I wanted to see at E3 ended up either being shown behind closed doors or not even making it to the show floor.
I was at least expecting the concept video we've seen already and some interviews but we didn't even get that. Instead Ubisoft talks two sequels to two really bad games. I wanted some BGE2 news, not Assassin's Creed 2 and Red Steel 2 news.
lotr-sam0711: I was bummed we didn't see this game at E3. In fact, pretty much everything I wanted to see at E3 ended up either being shown behind closed doors or not even making it to the show floor.
I was at least expecting the concept video we've seen already and some interviews but we didn't even get that. Instead Ubisoft talks two sequels to two really bad games. I wanted some BGE2 news, not Assassin's Creed 2 and Red Steel 2 news.

In my opinion Assassin's Creed is beautiful and enjoyable game, so I wait for the sequel. :) But that's true - I also was disappointed BG&E2 wasn't present at the show. I hope developers are working hard now on the title and we will know the details when they will be ready to show them, don't worry. ;)
Why does it seem that the "leaked" gameplay video (which, btw, is the only video available, so no ability for comparison) looks alot like a mirror's edge video capture hacked to render in third person perspective rather than first person? Look at the way she stops herself when she comes up against a wall. The woman from Mirror's Edge, Faith, does exactly the same thing, with apparently the same animation, only in first person. Jade also windmills, jumps and rolls in exactly the same style as Faith. Jade even looks like Faith now. Call me cynical, but, this looks FAKE! The only video I would trust is the video where Pey'j sucks a fly up his snout. This is the only video that actually gives me any sort of proof of the existence of a Beyond Good and Evil sequel.
Post edited July 02, 2009 by foetus91
foetus91: Why does it seem that the "leaked" gameplay video (which, btw, is the only video available, so no ability for comparison) looks alot like a mirror's edge video capture hacked to render in third person perspective rather than first person? Look at the way she stops herself when she comes up against a wall. The woman from Mirror's Edge, Faith, does exactly the same thing, with apparently the same animation, only in first person. Jade also windmills, jumps and rolls in exactly the same style as Faith. Jade even looks like Faith now. Call me cynical, but, this looks FAKE! The only video I would trust is the video where Pey'j sucks a fly up his snout. This is the only video that actually gives me any sort of proof of the existence of a Beyond Good and Evil sequel.

I'm sure it's not a fake (and not a gameplay either) - it's professionally made, pre-rendered film that leaked one way or another (intentionally?).
foetus91: Why does it seem that the "leaked" gameplay video (which, btw, is the only video available, so no ability for comparison) looks alot like a mirror's edge video capture hacked to render in third person perspective rather than first person? Look at the way she stops herself when she comes up against a wall. The woman from Mirror's Edge, Faith, does exactly the same thing, with apparently the same animation, only in first person. Jade also windmills, jumps and rolls in exactly the same style as Faith. Jade even looks like Faith now. Call me cynical, but, this looks FAKE! The only video I would trust is the video where Pey'j sucks a fly up his snout. This is the only video that actually gives me any sort of proof of the existence of a Beyond Good and Evil sequel.
Nox_A15: I'm sure it's not a fake (and not a gameplay either) - it's professionally made, pre-rendered film that leaked one way or another (intentionally?).
True, but why does it look so much like mirror's edge gameplay when its always labelled BG&E 2?
Nox_A15: I'm sure it's not a fake (and not a gameplay either) - it's professionally made, pre-rendered film that leaked one way or another (intentionally?).
foetus91: True, but why does it look so much like mirror's edge gameplay when its always labelled BG&E 2?

Good question. :) I hope we will know the answer after some official previews. In first BG&E there are also chase levels. Remember the one on the rooftops? Such moments were fun but still they were just a part of attractions in the game. I think this film shows Ubisoft's vision of such levels in second BG&E. And probably Mirror's Edge was an inspiration here.
foetus91: True, but why does it look so much like mirror's edge gameplay when its always labelled BG&E 2?
Nox_A15: Good question. :) I hope we will know the answer after some official previews. In first BG&E there are also chase levels. Remember the one on the rooftops? Such moments were fun but still they were just a part of attractions in the game. I think this film shows Ubisoft's vision of such levels in second BG&E. And probably Mirror's Edge was an inspiration here.
So do you think theyre using mirrors edge as a first gameplay preview, to create the first image of generally what the gameplay will look like, before they create their own engine?
EDIT: Create or find, they may not use one that they themselves develop. Hope they do though!
Because I have the feeling that with only two videos on the net, ubisoft or whoever has the rights now hasn't gotten very far in development yet. :(
Post edited July 03, 2009 by foetus91