I can address at least some of these.
ecdelaix: - What was the deal with all the androids? What was their connection to LINC? Who was Gallagher and what were his intentions? Who actually killed Anita and why? None of that seemed sufficiently explained, but I may have missed something.
- Given that you use the same personality chip for vacuum Joey, welder Joey, medical droid Joey, and Ken, how come the last two are completely different from either of the previous two incarnations? OK, fine, the med droid has a "limited syntactic processor" or whatever, but Ken seemed really completely different from any previous incarnation of Joey. I actually kind of enjoyed his bumbling, lovably dorky manner, though--he seemed more positive in his outlook than any of the Joeys.
- And what in the name of Sam Hill was the whole point of the courthouse scene? It seemed completely superfluous, almost like a comic-relief dream sequence of sorts.
-The androids were created by LINC to replace the humans - this is explained in a long and detailed conversation with one in the underground base. Gallagher was one ('family reunion'), and Joey killed him. Anita was, I assume, forced into the Reactor room without a suit on because she was in contact with Hobart and created a virus that could threaten LINC.
- I assume that Joey is affected by body changes in much the same way as The Doctor of
Doctor Who - because each body is designed to work with a welder personality, a medical personality etc, Joey trying to be himself leads to...inconsistencies.
- I rather liked the courtroom - it showed just how high the corruption in Union City ran, as well as some comic relief. Not to mention how warped the personalities of its citizens had become, and to keep the engineer's name in your mind so he doesn't come out of nowhere in the end.