It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
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We’ve listened to your feedback and prepared a patch to address some of those issues. We’ll continue to listen and release patches in the coming weeks, so please keep them coming. Thank you.

Game Changes


- Fixed multiple aiming issues with AI.
- Fixed huge AI slowdown when line of sight to target is blocked.
- Arc Cannon: fixed arc stream sometimes not doing damage to extractors
- Fixed a few minor pathfinding issues, units should be able to travel and find targets more easily.
- Fixed a problem with the font size on the main menu button.


- Escort: Fixed Rebel Scion team colour.
- The Dark Planet: Fixed facing direction of the ISDF Factory.
- The Dark Planet: Manson now only tells you to get away once the satchel has been set.
- The AAN: Fixed facing direction of the ISDF Factory.
- A Simple S&R: Fixed Shabayev hopping into constructor being interrupted by the user throwing their empty craft in her way, causing mission to fail.
- Braddock: Fixed mission progression if you snipe the enemy tanks instead of destroying them.
- This is Not a Drill: Fixed distance for reaching Manson.
- We Have Hostiles: Fixed a small typo.
- Too Hot: Fixed an infinite loop in Recycler build VO messages.
- Too Hot: Made the script not set the AIP to build a Scavenger if the Scavenger is already around because it was built by the player. This prevents the AIP from queuing an item that can't be constructed in the Recycler Build Process.
- The Wormhole: Fixed final Scavenger not deploying on pool.
- Through the Looking Glass: Fixed Shabayev stutter.
- Through the Looking Glass: Shabayev is now properly named.
- Get Help: Mission now displays the objective for success.
- Rumble in the Jungle: Now displays a red fail objective.
- Payback: Fixed Friendly tanks not dying in the enemy base, and the enemy not shooting at player after Braddock orders them to the Recycler.
- Fanning the Fire: Shabayev can no longer be sniped. Also, we’ve made her not eject a pilot if destroyed.
- A Traitors Fate: Now Manson’s team must also be defeated instead of just Manson.
- Core: Reduced the distance the detection range is for playing the VO, this prevents it from playing when going down the side path.
- Core: Tweaked ambient lighting.
- Core: Fixed Core Power Relay being able to be nudged out of place by explosions.
- Core: Room entry has been made tighter.
- Fixed various instances where code didn't take sniping/taking over an enemy unit into consideration. Fixes a few mission hangs.


- Fixed some crashes in multiplayer that players had reported.
- Fixed a crash when saving on a PC with Russian character set username.
- Fixed taunts crash in German multiplayer games.


- Improved French and German localization.
- Fixed some MPI resync issues.
- Fixed Editor UI overlap caused by widening it earlier.
- Multiplayer orders text is now suppressed from singleplayer games
- Fixed occasional crash in the editor.
- MPI now sorts properly in the server browser
- Adjusted Dark and Core props to better match the terrain.
- Some issues creating FPS drops during attacks have now been fixed

Modding and Mapmaking

User Generated Content - LUA

- Added function based on GetMapTRNFilename that returns the bzn file name. Added so LuaMission can load the correct scripts on maps that inherit terrain.
- Made SetPilotClass() able to clear the pilot class in a ship.
- Fixed incorrect usage of FormatConsoleMessage.
- LuaMission: Fixed crash in Pre* and ObjectKilled/SnipeEjected functions if the Lua script didn't return a valid value.
- LuaMission: Fixed inappropriate use of FormatConsoleMessage. User provided formatted string and no additional values given. AV if for instance %s is in that string.
- Fixed overflow in Lua Print.
- Fixed crash in Lua GetODFString, nullcheck first.

User Generated Content – Workshop Uploader Tool

- Uploader updated with new icon.
- Changed font names in mod examples to match the final font names.
Thanks for the update!

Are we getting a standalone installer update for this, as well? And/or a downloadable standalone patch?

I notice there isn't an update to the installer yet, so...

Edit: Nevermind, I see the installers are up now, thanks!
Post edited March 18, 2018 by GalacticKnight
Pathfinding and aim seem noticeably better, I had a squad and a half full of tanks and they were actually a force to be reckoned with.

Thanks for the ongoing support, Rebellion!