Djaron: Did i read "GOG downloader" in OP's message ?
Because i didnt see any 1.1 patch either on my library from the website of in the GOG downloader links in it
Also, incremential patches from 1.0 (release) to 1.02 were never published as standalone installers/patches at all, people had either to update to 1.02 through GOG galaxy (still optional, really ?) or by redownloading a full 15GB installer for the 1.02
Incremential patches for 1.02-to-1.03 and for 1.03-to-1.04 are available as standalone patch installers though... But i dont see any 1.0-to-1.1 or 1.04-to-1.1 patches at all.. So is this game requiring the mandatory Galaxy client for its updates and fixes again ?
I'm not very keen on downloading again full 15-17gb game installer for patches every 2 or 3 weeks frankly, especially as the whole patch note never mention any fix or improvement regarding the most obvious, blatant and serious issues for performances and stability
So, to OP: please, where did you file the 1.1 patch installer please ?
To GOG: please, for once, could you at least be honest enough to admit that Galaxy is now non optional, and mandatory, if one want to get decent updates and fixes for purchased products ?
Also, the difficulty bug for 1.5-2 skull missions seems to not have been either acknowledged or adressed (which basically makes you better go from 1 skull dif straight to 2.5)
This game had been in an horrible technical mess since its launch, with huge slowdowns and stability issues, UI taking several seconds to answer to player's input in management screens, and CPU/GPU overheating (in fact, this point had been worse for me as soon as i applied 1.03 compared to plain 1.0)
Also, called shot balance change makes the whole ability useless with LRM (or even SRM 6); didnt recall such "intent" in the physical version of the game long ago... szo... i'm puzzled.
I liked the game but it's technical mess finally overcame my enthousiasm and motivation, and i cant honestly advocate or recommend for it to my buddies... And in 2 months, there had been no clear sign of neither acknowledging that, on the devs side, nor bothering to fix it... I'm quite disappointed
HI Sorry for the late response but this forum site software (I am forced to admit is pretty bad)
is the only place I have ever found to download patches. I wold kiss anyone on the lips if they'd provide a better link, especially if they were a girl. But still that's all I have. Wish I could help more but this company we purchased our game from doesn't seem to want to make much obvious about how to handle updates or new information. Good luck friend. Please let me know if you learn anything I'm unaware of. I will always repost any useful info wherever I can. Thank you. Also to user Djaron or anyone who cares, yeah I'm still on day 3 of 5 of my full RE INSTALL download. I wish I could tell you more about my results but I can't because I don't even know if this install will work.
I seriously seriously recommend that anyone in the future looking at a game that needs large updates, please just use any platform that natively handles large updates, I generally like Valve's Steam system, but GOG just seems to have failed up and down on this one. I don't know how much of that is GOG's fault but they seem to be completely silent about the issue. At least as far As I can say. I try to be fair because as a businessman myself I know how hard it can be to satisfy everyone. But this game is so niche and easy to satisfy on a consumer level that I can't understand how awful ly handled I feel things have been. I hope things work out for the best and I hope GOG can fix things.
IDK if here's the place to point out the prblem but I can't even properly reply or edit my messages here because the buttons do not properly load under firefox or msft edge, haven't tired chrome.
May I make a suggestion to GOG general support and forums people? Ever notice how simple forums JUST WORK? Forums should let people post messages to each other in a threaded or nonthreaded context. Your forum seems to be designed (I hope not intentionally) to hinder this type of communication at every turn. Please make your forums less flashy and more usable. All this streamlined forums stuff isn't helping anyone communicate with each other or with you. And we want to help YOU. Trust US.