dick1982: i agree. it looks like a "freemium" MMO except they want you to pay 39.90 on top of it. AFAIK from other forums, it's also pay to win. the "free" mechs are just no good, unless your enemy players really suck.
Oh and play Mechwarrior: Living Legends if you really want online giant mecha battles. It doesn't require Crysis 3 or whatever anymore.
Mirrors: mechlivinglegends.net/download/MWLL-Installer.exe , shadowlegion.us.to/mwll/MWLL-Installer.exe
I think you may be mistaking this game with a completely different one. Battletech isn't anything like an MMO, and isn't pay-to-win. You may be thinking of Mechwarrior Online, but I'm not certain about that, since I don't know much about that game at all. This one's a turn-based strategy with a singleplayer campaign, skirmishes, and multiplayer.
mad_crease: I am an avid follower of the Battletech and Mechwarrior games. I have been on the fence about this though. I have my doubts about this game and have decided to pursue it no further. From what I have read and what I have gleaned, I believe this is not going to go well for us GOG users. The BETA being Steam Only is a big indicator. It tells me they really don't care to support our demographic, but will certainly take our money for a "limited" product.
I'm pretty sure the reason developers do betas on Steam only is because it gives them a lot more control. They can see who's playing and (depending on how they have it set up) how people are playing so they can use that information to tweak the game. If people are just downloading a beta and playing it completely independently of any kind of feedback system, it's of no use to them unless those people also write up well thought out criticism somewhere the devs are looking, which is going to be a very small percentage of players. It's just easier and more helpful to lock the beta down.
This doesn't mean that they're going to be perfectly supportive of the GOG version, but writing them off on the basis of the beta being Steam-only seems a bit silly. The best thing to do if you're on the fence is wait and see.