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This is quite a good game. It's like Empire but much more fun. Many many many hours put into this when it came out.

I've been able to get it mostly working on newer computers but, looking back, I see I haven't played it since 2008. So I must not have been able to get it going on the newest ones.

Checking the manual I see there is support for multi-player beyond hot-seating. Automatic modem stuff. Not sure if that would work today. Perhaps email the save game file.

There's a good deal of rock/paper/scissors in the combat. And the computer knows unit weaknesses. There was one game where I relied on a slower but unstoppable swarm of artillery. Not long after coming into contact with the computer, wave after wave of bombers turned my game into a shambles. I was impressed!
Glad you are enjoying! Yes, sending around saved games is the main way to do multiplayer, if you can't hotseat it.
Artki: This is quite a good game. It's like Empire but much more fun. Many many many hours put into this when it came out.

I've been able to get it mostly working on newer computers but, looking back, I see I haven't played it since 2008. So I must not have been able to get it going on the newest ones.

Checking the manual I see there is support for multi-player beyond hot-seating. Automatic modem stuff. Not sure if that would work today. Perhaps email the save game file.

There's a good deal of rock/paper/scissors in the combat. And the computer knows unit weaknesses. There was one game where I relied on a slower but unstoppable swarm of artillery. Not long after coming into contact with the computer, wave after wave of bombers turned my game into a shambles. I was impressed!
I agree, I only play against the hards computer AI.I have been playing since 2005. I'm retired now and would love to play against a live opponent. Would love to have some new maps. Lamplighter2000
Our office games used to be very memorable. Oh, the gnashing of teeth and wailing from from the gaming computer when you discovered someone's air transport landed troops on an empty city, or their submarine sunk your loaded transport! We usually set a turn limit when we played multiplayer, or we would battle until the bitter end :)