It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

Update notes for May 12 (Mi., 12. Mai 2021) v

We endeavor to provide players of Base One the best experience possible, and in doing so would like to reach out to those players experiencing the following issues:

- Black screen on launch for Windows 7 users
- Episodes locking after restart

The latest patch should fix these issues. If it resolves the problem for you, by all means let us know!

Thank you for choosing to play Base One, we will have more fixes to share with you soon!


Update notes for May 13 (Do., 13. Mai 2021) v


Thank you so much for the response to Base One, we really appreciate it!

We've been hard at work to bring some more fixes your way in this latest patch:

- Fixed manual or autosaves breaking mission objectives
- Fixed the shortcut key for closing Connections
- Fixed manufacturers getting stuck in the workplace
- Fixed an issue with the probe launcher not launching in Debris-mode

Again - thank you for choosing to play Base One, we have been working hard on improving the AI and pathfinding and look forward to sharing it with you soon!


Patch Roadmap (Mi., 12. Mai 2021)
Post edited May 13, 2021 by Ulf2016
Update notes for May 14 (Fr., 14. Mai 2021), No offline installer.

Hello again, base builders!

We're back with some more improvements to make Base One even better! Here's what's new under the hood:

- General improvements to AI and pathfinding (more improvements to come!)
- Further improvements to assist those with environments not being able to load the game
- Improved video playback speed and line skipping
- Improvements to snap detection for heat, oxygen and other connections
- Fixed issue with some cadets not training in the gym for mission 'Ordinary Chores'
- Fixed issue with only being able to heal some crew members in mission 'Arrival'

Please enjoy - and we'll see you all again next week to address some more of your valued feedback!
Post edited May 20, 2021 by Ulf2016
Update notes for May 19 (Mi., 19. Mai 2021) No offline installer.


Your feedback has been tremendous, and we're so thrilled that so many of you are enjoying Base One! We take your feedback seriously, and as such, our latest patch includes the following:

- Added Traditional Chinese and Japanese localisation options
- Sped up starting and closing communication screen dialogs
- Decreased Supply Base time by 30%
- Further Power Management balancing/tweaking
- Further Oxygen Consumption/Production balancing
- Fixed Discounts and Research Points staying greyed out
- Fixed some missing Japanese characters
- Fixed an issue with Custom game mode settings not saving
- Fixed cleaners getting stuck
- Fixed characters not leaving sofa when sofa dismounted
- Fixed bots not leaving modules being dismounted
- Fixed Medic/Medical Station becoming stuck during a patient scan
- Fixed issue with Supply Base shortcut keys affecting game speed
- Fixed issue with Supply Base timer resetting with save game load
- Fixed technicians not assembling solar panel power coil in Custom games
- Fixed power output not decreasing with power coil removal in Custom games

Please ensure to update and let us know what you think. We also wanted to give you a sneak peek into our upcoming DLC, in which you'll be needing to build barracks to prepare your base for terrorist attacks outside and inside the base!
Post edited May 20, 2021 by Ulf2016
Update notes for May 20 (Do., 20. Mai 2021) v0.1.8.0.

Hi all!

We take your feedback very seriously, and have been working hard to fix some of the more troublesome issues and balance the game further. Your patience has been greatly appreciated!

This new patch brings the following:
- Increased the hit box of everything
- Decreased the difficulty of the first meteor shower mission
- Added option to Restart Mission or return to the Main Menu upon level loss
- Fixed issues with batteries not outputting power correctly
- Fixed being able to camera scroll through the floor
- Fixed an issue with freeze using Accessibility tools

We hope that these latest improvements help to enhance your Base One experience, and if you so, we'd love to see some of those red thumbs turn blue. We will be back tomorrow with further improvements and another sneak peek at our upcoming free DLC!
Post edited May 25, 2021 by Ulf2016
Update notes for May 25 (Di., 25. Mai 2021)

Hi everyone!

Thank you so much for the positive reviews and feedback- please, keep them coming! To those of you experiencing issues - we hear you - and we will continue to fine-tune Base One to make it the best experience it can be, for all.

Changes in this patch include:
- Added the ability to cancel just-placed module/furniture
- Allowed cinematic skipping via the keyboard
- Allowed exiting any popup by hitting Esc
- Added tooltips to bottom panel, character state icons, and resources on top panel
- Fixed an issue with objectives being removed when loading some save games
- Fixed issue with pollutants appearing from devices after loading a save game
- Fixed issue with not being able to connect devices during paused time
- Fixed medics and cleaners becoming stuck while performing work
- Fixed occasional characters ignoring learning time while at workstations
- Fixed issue with broken device/crew critical alerts not clearing once situation resolved

In continuing to give you a sneak peek into our upcoming free DLC, here's a further look into the guards that you will be preparing in your new barracks. Train them well!

Keep those blue thumbs coming!
Update notes for June 3 (Do., 3. Juni 2021) v0.2.0.0.

Now, onto the changes:
- Optimised performance when using 3x/5x speed
- Changed the game time step to increments of 15 instead of 30
- Improved the 'cancel construction' feature to be enabled at any time
- Improved visuals to Connections Mode when selecting an individual device
- Improved Crew Task Control screen to include an Overview of crew member priorities
- Fixed an issue with cold fusion reactors not being able to be dismounted
- Fixed an issue with a loaded save game breaking progress in 'Offer' mission
- Fixed an issue with repeated supply updates due to 'New Supply Routes' research
- Fixed an issue with crew becoming stuck in place if furniture is dismounted while being used
- Fixed an issue with ordered goods not being delivered if 'Supply Base' is updated during delivery
- Fixed an issue with cleaners becoming stuck in place if module is dismounted while being cleaned

Build well, Captains! See you on the other side of the wormhole.
Post edited June 07, 2021 by Ulf2016
Update notes for June 15 (Di., 15. Juni 2021) v0.2.1.1

Below are the latest patch notes:
- Added a new feature where destroyed devices and modules can now be recovered (thanks to our players who suggested this!)
- Fixed an issue with Mouse Sensitivity and Camera Zoom text not appearing correctly in the Controls tab in the Options menu.
- Fixed an issue with the Time Bar showing the incorrect time during gameplay.
- Fixed an issue with waste water tanks not connecting to the Hub via the logistics line.
- Fixed an issue with loud spaceship engine noises playing during gameplay when all sounds have been switched off in the Options menu.
- Fixed a rare issue with supplies and resources disappearing after being delivered to the station.
- Fixed an issue with the supply store timer and in-game timer running at different intervals.

Keep on building, Captains! We cannot wait to share more information about our upcoming DLC once we get closer to release!
So do we have the patch dated 31st August 2021 or 31 January 2022 (1.0) (as listed on Steam) or the DLC?
Another abandonned game here at gog ? :(