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Extract to the main BG folder (not the default path it gives you), double click the exe, setup from there. It is not supposed to be complicated. Not sure why you would get that error message.
Post edited October 09, 2010 by chautemoc
I am having trouble with getting this to work, I installed the widescreen mod fine at the resolution that the GUI mod supports, but after installing the GUI mod which seems to install successfully I get this error message.
jeesis: I am having trouble with getting this to work, I installed the widescreen mod fine at the resolution that the GUI mod supports, but after installing the GUI mod which seems to install successfully I get this error message.
Try running the game in windowed mode. Open the baldur.ini file - under [Program Options] find line 'Full Screen=1' and change it to 0. If there isn't such a line, just add it there.
Kezardin: Try running the game in windowed mode. Open the baldur.ini file - under [Program Options] find line 'Full Screen=1' and change it to 0. If there isn't such a line, just add it there.
The game crashed right after launching, I question that I might be missing something that the game relies on due to recently re-installing windows.
pb1866: I'm guessing you are playing from a loaded game. Whenever you change the resolution the save games themselves will no longer work properly and cause alot of crashing. If you want ot continue using the mod you should probably start a new game.
Ok, I just tried this out and confirmed that's how it works (it was driving me crazy for a while). I have an important question though. Does anyone know if the save games are backward compatible? In other words if I play the game in -let's say- 1024x768 for 20 hours can I then take that file and play move it to a computer with the standard gog install showing 640x480? I tried moving a save file between 1024x 768 and 1280x800 and that definitely DID NOT work.
Works fine everything exept no matter what i do, i cant go Eastbound in the game, i can scroll up left down but not right (east).. this makes the game unplayable completely, or is there an solution for this too? Hope!
They're not backwards compatible, no. Or rather, it may work (I can't precisely recall), but you could get severe errors.
pzrshrek: Works fine everything exept no matter what i do, i cant go Eastbound in the game, i can scroll up left down but not right (east).. this makes the game unplayable completely, or is there an solution for this too? Hope!
Same issue as for Planescape?
Post edited October 10, 2010 by chautemoc
chautemoc: They're not backwards compatible, no. Or rather, it may work (I can't precisely recall), but you could get severe errors.
pzrshrek: Works fine everything exept no matter what i do, i cant go Eastbound in the game, i can scroll up left down but not right (east).. this makes the game unplayable completely, or is there an solution for this too? Hope!
chautemoc: Same issue as for Planescape?
No. The toon walk araound normally, its the screen-edge scrolling of the ground that does not work, i can walk right up the the edge of the screen but then no more since i am not allowed to scroll the ground Easterly..

EDIT: Solved it (or worked around it) It appeared that widescreen mod did not work with bigger res than 1280*1024, in wich above this, the scrolling feature within the game went nuts. But 1280*1024 is by far acceptable and enjoyable and i must say this widescreen mod is essential for all bg games, strongly suggest everybody uses it!!!

Perhaps in future we can have it to support bigger res too!
Post edited October 11, 2010 by pzrshrek
I'm done with the widescreen/hi-res mod. It was just too unstable. After I finally got it working to what I thought was a reliable degree, it decided to crash again when I went back around to the inn in the prologue. I was able to go into every door on the way and I was able to go in and out of the inn at the beginning of the circle but once I had completed the clockwise circle around the map, it would no longer let me go back into the inn without crashing.

I'm playing the game with the default build because there's no way I'm putting a bunch of hours into this game only to find it all wasted because the mods are unreliable.

Oh, and by the way, you can't reliably transfer save files from one computer to another either. You can load a file from another computer but you can't then overwrite in that same save slot. I imagine you would have to physically delete the folder for that slot from your hard drive but that can get tenuous over time if you're accustomed to bouncing around between computers as you work through a game the way I do.
I'd recommend simply waiting for BG2 to arrive so you can play it with that engine.
hey there.. can someone explain the whole Install the interenational patch, that now makes you ask for the disk?

Im confused on this whole part. I would think gog's version would already have this patch? Im just about to start a new game and i dont wanna have something screwy happen.

Id rather not have to stick in the disk.. while i couldnt install due to scratches, the disk read check works.. But i find it pretty annoying.

Should i just reinstall gogs version? cause like i said, i would think it would have the latest patch right? (ive run the game a little, did candel keep and picked up imeon.. soo far no problems.

I wouldnt mind trying a slighty bigger resolution, i tried others, like 1024 and 960 and neither worked at all. 1280x800 is the only one that works.. its just kinda hard to see the text, and i sorta wish things were a little bigger..

anyone have any ideas of a resolution in the middle of the 640 and 1280 that would work?
Post edited October 12, 2010 by JeCy
Separate issue:

1280x800/720 is the lowest you can pick for a modern widescreen monitor.
Post edited October 12, 2010 by chautemoc
I got the same error. Running windows 7. After clicking ok on the error seclect run as administrator. Worked for me.
PeegeeTips: stupid question perhaps; but what am i supposed to do with the GUI mod?

I have installed the widescreen mod.

I have downloaded the GUI mod, double clicked the .exe which extracted all the files to a folder in my download directory................ and that's it.

there are no instructions on the website, and the readme is singularly unhelpful.

what do i do with the GUI mod to make it mod my GUI?

i could extract the files into the main BG install folder................. but i'd prefer not to screw the entire install up for no good reason.


update - tried extracting to the BG install folder and got "access denied"
chautemoc: Separate issue:

1280x800/720 is the lowest you can pick for a modern widescreen monitor.
Based on what I'm reading here it seems that I am the only one who can use 960 x 600. My native resolution is 1920 x 1200 and I cut it in half to get a decent looking low res for these old games. Of course, the BG GUI mod can't handle it and some items get out of place but the resolution still works for all games that accept widescreen. It looks great in Planescape Torment and Icewind Dale.
I guess my monitor isn't "modern" enough to have this problem.

I tried googling this issue and can find no reference to such a limitation for monitors. I'm mystified!

edit: don't take this wrong I am not being sarcastic.
Post edited October 14, 2010 by frankd3
Sorry, I meant it's the lowest you can go and still be properly widescreen.