CDRunningG: Hey all, I was just curious about the red dragon featured as a wallpaper in the Balder's Gate pack. That red dragon: does it have a name/character, or is it just a random dragon?
Hickory: If you take into account that there is only one Red Dragon in BG2, and you assume that the wallpaper dragon is supposed to represent him, then yes he has a name: Firkraag.
This is another remastered original artwork of Firkraag.
Ah, I was afraid of that.
The story of Firkraag was actually spoiled for me by my roommate when I was talking about buying this game.
I feel kind of bad now about that spoiler, as if it's wrong for me to use it as a wallpaper.
Actually, I guess this is more general gaming, but how do you guys feel about spoilers in general? I spoiled Thief and System shock for myself years ago when I thought I could never play them, and feel like a 'bad fan,' if that makes sense.