Potions, which were mentioned in the post above, are a great bet.
At this stage of the game you'll probably have a lot of cash left over (if you did enough side-quests) and there won't be much left to spend it on. Also, if you're the type to hoard stuff, you may have stacks of potions sitting in some character's inventory. If not, mage stores like Sorcerous Sundries (the big one near the city gate) sell them. This is the endgame, so it's the ideal time to start using these things.
In Baldur's Gate, healing potions are very weak, but buffing potions are extremely strong. They last a long time (5-10 minutes real time, typically. Sometimes much longer.) and have very powerful effects. There are potions that give you 50% magic resistance, potions that improve your armour class to the level of full plate even if you're wearing leather, potions that make you immune to certain damage types, potions of giant strength that can give your characters up to +6 to hit and + 12 damage, depending on how much strength they had to start with...
It's not a subtle or a clever solution, but drinking down a gallon of these things will make almost any fight you're struggling with into a very manageable dust-up.
Edit: just be careful combining this strategy with the dispelling one mentioned above, since you can and will dispel your own potion effects. Dispel Magic is also the factor that made me write "almost" in the "almost any fight" sentence I wrote above.
Post edited November 03, 2014 by Jason_the_Iguana