gunman_: BG:EEs are indeed a disappointment, and I will avoid Siege of Dragonspear. The graphics and the UI are terrible compared to the original. If you zoom in the landscape becomes blurry, the UI with tabs and lists are ugly as hell (the world map and spellbooks now looks awful), and they introduced some kind of filter in the 2.0 patch that makes the characters even blurrier. Also they changed the rules constantly, to make the game easier and easier (probably for their new fanbase). You level up companions manually from level 1 when you pick them up, huge ammo stacks, "story mode" (basically invulnerable characters, who would play something like that in a game with 90% combat?) the world map annotations are silly, and other useless changes.
Vanilla BG 1 is way better than the "enhanced" version.
I agree. The only reason I tried the EEs is because of how great they were supposed to be, The expansion is even worse than the EEs but none of them are great. If those are examples of future work that will be coming BD I think I'll stir clear of future projects.