Some typical very bland examples of neutral..
neutral evil... Save the king? I think not.. lets find this assassin, take care of him then take his payment.. Unless of course the king will quadruple it for our time, i might let him live..
But what about his children?
You mean there are children involved? he'll pay 10x.. on second thought, i hate children... guess this peons payment will be enough..
neutral good, Help the king, dont help the kind, i dont care,, I dont have time to worry about everyone in the world, so there is an assassin after the king, like thats a shock.
But sharry, the assasine is right there, on the other side of the bar.. we can stop this, an innocent man might die..
*sigh, fine,, oky.. i supose we should, perhaps there will be some reward..
Neutral.. yes we should help the king, we cant have a mad man incharge of the kindom...
Ohh you mean the mad man wants to pay us? and says he only has the greater good for all? You know he may have a point...
In BG, its a bit harder as this is where the table top just has so much more over a coded PC game.
For example, in BG2, a good chance to be neutral is anomens quest, letting him go off on his tangent, becoming chaotic.. that is a perfect example of being neutral.
Gabby2: THe "true mercenary" is rather "chaotic" as DD define it... not so neutral.
The problem of the True Neutral is that it's not very heroic. FOr me a TN is one who doesn't really want to take risks, unless really necessary. . Unlike good or evil chars, he has no deep reason to get involved. He would probably try to avoid troubles. A neutral is not easy to play as a PC : a wizard in his tower only interested by his research and not by any moral problems would be neutral. A druid, living in the forest, focused on the rituals, the cycle of the seasons, sometimes helping animals and travellers would be neutral. A wandering adventurer, seeking for answers about his past, revenge for the death of his tutor, who meets a lot of people and have to make choices all the time would be unlikely to be - or to stay - a Neutral.
As a neutral in BG, I would avoid the danger as much as I can, only do a few sidequests and would try complete my objective as fast as possible (the lack of experience and gear would be a great challenge on top of the RP challenge :) ).
(Or maybe I would try to gather a good-evil mixed party, and listen to my companions and do my best to please all of them : a TN would probably be a terrible leader, unable to follow a line. Could be fun :p )
Im not sure i agree with that, atleast in some ways. yes, you outlined a couple perfect examples,, But to me neutral doesnt have to be about being passive, Infact it can be a very active character..
A mercanary could easliy be neutral good. Im a memember of this band sent to take care of a local band of theives that have taken over a town. But on arrival, you find the these not so bad, and infact seam to have a better way, atleast in your mind, to how things should run. Its not lawlessness, like the king suggested.. and besides taxes and the ocasional troop march what has he done anyway.. Jumping sides could easily be in this characters personality.
Or being a quester in general.. seeking the countryside seeking out wrongs, which wrongs are to be righted are up to you... how the world perceives them is not your problem.
To me robin hood was neutral good... He was far from chaotic as he had his own laws, he surely wasnt lawfull, cause that would mean he wouldnt be stealing.. But he never killed out of malice, and had the greater good in mind.
Robin hood was a great adventurer with a huge agenda,, But a perfect example of a neutral player.
Now true netural, its a bit tougher, but balance is part of it. and its not so much good and evil, help a preist, kill a baby.. its much more a shade of grey. To the RP responces i try to think more logically.. I supose i tend to take the vulcan way of thinking.. whats better for the greater good or balance.. if killing this merchant would in turn help the docks area prosper instead of his represive taxing, the fact that killing an innocent isnt even in the equasion. He isnt an innocent, he is infact the cause of the hurt around him..
While the evil man might be doing it just to make a buck, or to see what color his insides are.. or hopes that there is personal profit involved.