Patch#2 is coming soon
The steam Branches updated a few hours ago with a file called Patch2
So I guess they will push a public update if not today maybe tomorrow.
Augmenti: I did say it incorrectly, think it was 9(/) hotfixes before an actual patch~
@Augmenti - Larian software do Community Update Forum Posts here (latest is stickied at the top of the forum which is at number 9 currently), but they are not Patches we get to use.
The Patches / bugfix releases are noted right at the bottom of the page here
So far we have had Early access release, then Hotfix #1, Hotfix #2, Hotfix #3, Patch #1 (followed by that getting rolled back, and then Patch #1 was re-released), and now we are waiting for Patch #2 which seems to be getting ready for release.