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After a few hours of futile searching and many attempts at a solution I've run out of ideas. I'm trying to either connect to a friend or have my friend connect to me in order to play BG2 via TCP/IP. No matter who is hosting we receive the "Can't Connect" error message after waiting 30 seconds or so. Here's a list of things I've tried:

Forwarding ports! Forwarded 2300-6073 on both the host and the host-ee? Also tried both machines running under a DMZ. "Can't Connect" message still appears.

Running in windowed mode. Running in XP compatibility mode. Disabling Windows Firewall (both machines).

Both machines are behind routers, both machines are running Windows 7 64-bit.

The most killer part of all this is that I have successfully gotten this game to work in multiplayer before, after similar headaches. That was a few years ago though and happened while running Windows XP. Anyone have any other ideas?

EDIT: Searching around a little more I saw the suggestion to use Game Ranger to try and get things to work. I finally broke down and tried it and to my surprise, it actually worked. So give that a shot if you can't figure anything else out.
Post edited December 05, 2010 by ZenMastaT
ZenMastaT: EDIT: Searching around a little more I saw the suggestion to use Game Ranger to try and get things to work. I finally broke down and tried it and to my surprise, it actually worked. So give that a shot if you can't figure anything else out.
Glad to hear it. :)
just replying to say i also tried for hours to get this working and gameranger just plain works. it's free, get it
Try skipping all that and just using Hamachi. I've had success in the past with it, haven't tested it on BG2 yet though.