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I'll freely admit that I haven't explored the 98,345 permutations of the game's endings. I was just hoping for a hero's journey of some kind: save the innocents, save the day, you know the drill. But as far as I could tell, the noblest path resulted in my character getting to spend eternity as a mind flayer in the afterlife.

There were great moments along the way: resisting tadpole temptations, finding Shadowheart's good side, freeing Wyll from his sponsor, overcoming the Urge, sparing his friends and the legendary hero by accepting the transformation himself, and then completing the task by ending himself... only to have the arc ruined at the end: the character's soul, which he was trying to *save* through his deeds, gets transformed for all eternity into something else.

Dear gods, Larian - could the transformation PLEASE be reversed for the afterlife conversation with Withers? I cannot tell you the crushing disappointment of discovering that particular epilogue. It would have been better if the credits had simply rolled after the last fight.

By Larian logic, nobility and sacrifice are for suckers: if you want the happy ending, force someone ELSE to take the tadpole (or the bomb) for the team. Great worldview, gang.
yes almost feels like the ending was rushed out the door after Larian changed their minds ;)
revchj: By Larian logic, nobility and sacrifice are for suckers: if you want the happy ending, force someone ELSE to take the tadpole (or the bomb) for the team. Great worldview, gang.
Not to sound contrarian, but isn't wanting a happy ending for yourself the complete opposite of what "sacrifice" is all about? ;) You are literally giving up your chance of a happy ending so that others (innocents, your friends, the one you love) can go on to have their happy ending.

Plus, according to D&D lore, Illithid Tav, although controlled by the player, is NOT Tav. Your Tav died the moment the transformation was complete. What is now in their place is an illithid who apparently still possesses the memories of their former host, but is in fact a completely new individual with its own soul. You, the player, can choose to have this new illithid decide to honor the decisions and choices of Tav (or even feel like it IS the continuation of the old Tav), but as far as the rules are concerned, true Tav is dead and their soul went on to their appropriate place in the afterlife. (Although why exactly Withers didn't bring back THAT Tav for the party is a mystery.)
Withers states emphatically early in the game that Illithids do not have a soul, therefore there was nothing to resurrect.... so no bringing them back. Also the person's soul is also consumed in the process of ceremorphosis or sent to the Fugue Plane. Choosing to be a mind flayer is the player's choice (rp) .
Yeah, I can definitely understand your frustration, I felt the same around 2 weeks ago when my bard was forced to turn Illithid. I was like "wow, everyone else just pretents to talk to Tav, but this thing is an imposter"

I also chose the dialog option to keep living but end my life the moment I notice the Illithid nature overcomes my Tav's soul. Now, entering the epilogue and talking to Shadowheart was that exact moment. While I managed to keep the Illithid in check on the first try, this "almost accidentally killing a friend" thing is exactly where I would end my existance, because it signals that you aren't as special as Withers claims, you WILL one day attack humans and eat their brains.

The best ending in the game is at the same time the worst ending for Tav. Sadly, that's how the writers of Larian decided to end it. The only good thing you can still accomplish at this point is joining Karlach and Wyll to find a way to save her. I chose to follow her despite being in a relationship with Gale (because damn, I can't bind Gale to this monster).

tldr yeah the ending sucked imo. Wish Tav just died completely without becoming a monster. A noble and still respectul ending towards the player similar like Enderal did it would have been so much better.

edit: typos
Post edited December 26, 2023 by Estelline