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journeyman: Bestiality sure is a fun thing to do
But I have to say this as a warning to you:
With almost all animals, you can have ball
But the hedgehog can never be buggered at all.

Screwing a cow while she goes moo-moo
Will be entertaining to both her and you
Or you might try a bear, if you have enough gall
But the hedgehog can never be buggered at all.
Larian is showing their true colours allowing these immoral acts, even if it is fantasy. Swen Vincke has surely sold his soul. Not impressed.
Edit: I'm not going to turn what is a very clever, funny series of posts into some kind of Internet argument. Go read this if you want to better understand sex in the Forgotten Realms.
Post edited July 24, 2023 by mathaetaes
journeyman: Bestiality sure is a fun thing to do
But I have to say this as a warning to you:
With almost all animals, you can have ball
But the hedgehog can never be buggered at all.

Screwing a cow while she goes moo-moo
Will be entertaining to both her and you
Or you might try a bear, if you have enough gall
But the hedgehog can never be buggered at all.
topj0lly: Larian is showing their true colours allowing these immoral acts, even if it is fantasy. Swen Vincke has surely sold his soul. Not impressed.
Then maybe this is more your speed:

topj0lly: Larian is showing their true colours allowing these immoral acts, even if it is fantasy. Swen Vincke has surely sold his soul. Not impressed.
dbartenstein: Then maybe this is more your speed:

wow you get to be God... bet that sells a bunch
topj0lly: Larian is showing their true colours allowing these immoral acts, even if it is fantasy. Swen Vincke has surely sold his soul. Not impressed.
You can roger a skunk if you can stand the smell
Or even an oyster, should he let go of his shell
A troll can be rocky if down you should fall
But the hedgehog can never be buggered at all.

You can manage a snake, though its poison might kill
It's amazing how humping a camel will thrill
You can go with a snail if you slow to a crawl
But the hedgehog can never be buggered at all.
topj0lly: Larian is showing their true colours allowing these immoral acts, even if it is fantasy. Swen Vincke has surely sold his soul. Not impressed.
journeyman: You can roger a skunk if you can stand the smell
Or even an oyster, should he let go of his shell
A troll can be rocky if down you should fall
But the hedgehog can never be buggered at all.

You can manage a snake, though its poison might kill
It's amazing how humping a camel will thrill
You can go with a snail if you slow to a crawl
But the hedgehog can never be buggered at all.
As the parent of a preschooler, I feel like your rhyming ability would be well-suited to children's books.

Have you given thought to a side hustle?
I haven't bought BG3 yet, so I don't know what everyone is talking about. The scope of the game is too intimidating for me while I am still working through D: OS2 and Pathfinder. I just want to keep this thread alive because it's a fun thread. Too many other threads dealing with technical or purchase issues.
Unfallen_Satan: I haven't bought BG3 yet, so I don't know what everyone is talking about. The scope of the game is too intimidating for me while I am still working through D: OS2 and Pathfinder. I just want to keep this thread alive because it's a fun thread. Too many other threads dealing with technical or purchase issues.
There's a particular video involving Halsin and Astarion in the Panel From Hell Release Showcase that got a bunch of peoples' panties in a twist. Halsin, being a druid, can shape shift into bear shape. Astarion, being Astarion, f*cks anyone who will let him. I'm sure you can see where that leads.

I've linked it for you below. The scene in question is about 5 hours and 32 minutes in.
Unfallen_Satan: I haven't bought BG3 yet, ...
mathaetaes: There's a particular video involving Halsin and Astarion in the Panel From Hell Release Showcase that got a bunch of peoples' panties in a twist....
Awesome! Thanks much.

That was amusing. The silent protagonist kind of kills the scene a bit though, not as fun as it might have been.

This is exactly what I like about Larian. They just have so much fun, and it shows in their games.
Post edited August 03, 2023 by Unfallen_Satan