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So this is a puzzling one..

Shortly after downloading/moving/copying or renaming the bg3 offline installers I start getting BSODs (The copmuter ran into a problem and needs to restart).
After restart I have a few minutes in the OS (win10 64bit) before the machine restarts again.
If I open the folder containing the offline installers the restart happens almost instantly.
If it happens too requently I get a message that windows needs to run fisk check, or an error that the BIOOS cannot find a bootable drive. This goes away after a power-off.

It is not the disk. I ran the checks and there are no problems. I can handle much bigger files without problems. It is only the bg3 files....
It is not the memory. MEMTEST does not show anomalies.
It is not the antivirus. I only use windows defender, and I turned it off with no change.

If there is any other occult bloatware from microsfot or otherwise that keeps checking the files and might cause the crash I would very much like to know.

It only happens with the bg3 files, and if I delete them the problems go away.

Can a king soul shed some light on the problem?
Are the files cursed?

EDIT: Never mind. Found the culprit. It's unrelated to GOG or bg3
Post edited October 03, 2021 by Roffel
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So what was the culprit?
The culprit is my SSD (Samsung EVO PLUS NVMe M.2 1TB) which crashes when handling large amounts of data.
Not an ideal performance for a storage device

EDIT: typos
Post edited October 03, 2021 by Roffel
I've got the SAMSUNG (MZ-V8V1T0B/AM) 980 SSD 1TB - M.2 NVMe, but never had any issues with it....
it could be power as large file transfer need more power than general running but at the end of the day its cheep to replace a SSD and that takes less time than testing will