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Hey everyone,

I'm having a blast playing with a wizard. I try to use cantrips as often as I can, so I don't have to rest too often. I tried ray of frost, the acid and the fire cantrip as well. I like the fact the spells generate surface depending on the element used (like DOS2 I guess). They are pretty great looking my impressions:

I find frost to be the most useful, basically it can do a fair bit of damage while creating a surface that stun the ennemy by making it fall prone.

The fire surface is nice 1d6 fire damage is fine for a cantrip, but when you will be able to cast higher fire level just having a measly 1d6 fire damage might be a little underwhelming.

Now the acid surface is pretty useless in my opinion because it generates no damage and it just reduce by 2 the ennemy AC I don't see much point in using an acid spell honestly as you get less damage and "weak" effect compared to fire and ice.
-2AC without any kind of damage seems really weak, also I don't think one could just stand in a pool of strong acid without harm.I recently played D&D and had my character die in a pool of acid (damn trap) when exploring a black dragon lair, so I find this disappointing ... It could at least make 1d3 damage I think.

Hopefully it will get some changes by the release with the game. .

What do you guys think ?
Salut Pierre,

Je réponds en français en faisant une trad rapide en anglais vu que je ne suis pas doué pour ça.

En effet, le sort d'aspersion d'acide prévoir plutôt de faire 1d6 dégât mais sans créer de surface acide qui réduit la classe d'armure. Cela dit, réduire la CA de 2 points est déjà plutôt bien, quand on sait la difficulté à toucher les adversaires, surtout quand on est à bas niveau et que le bonus de maîtrise n'est pas élevé.

Rééquilibrer des sortilèges est toujours un peu délicat, j'imagine qu'à force de jouer et d'essayer, on se rend compte de ceux qui sont plus efficaces (trop ?) par rapport à d'autres du même niveau... je te rejoins, les sorts de froid et de feu de niveau 0 sont plus utiles à première vue... maintenant, quand je me prends une aspersion acide sur la tête dans le jeu, je me rends compte que mes personnages se font bien plus vite dégommer s'ils restent dans la flaque ! ;)

Je le verrais plutôt comme une possibilité supplémentaire pour favoriser les réussites à l'attaque, comme le fait d'être en hauteur, caché dans les ombres ou en prenant l'ennemi en tenaille, par exemple.

In English : indeed, one might think acid is less usefull but as far as I can see ingame, lowering the AC il still important as when you are at low level, you don't have much chances to hit an opponent in a normal situation. So you could see acid spell as another way to enhance your chances to hit, like beeing hidden or elevated compared to your target.
Post edited November 10, 2020 by Mornagest
Honestly, you really don't have much better a chance when you're high level. And with fire, that's all but guaranteed damage due to the surface effect, and ice increases your chance to hit much moreso if it makes them fall, and even if it doesn't, it slows them down to give you more chances as they close the distance. So yeah, acid really is impotent in comparison.
1st welcome, yes 10 hours in you still have a lot to learn

the engine is a rock paper scissor system where each attack type does something different but Acid does do damage... more to the point it makes your target wet and of course needs Dex to avoid so works best against targets with low Dex

p.s, for my money Chill Touch is the best spell
Pierre_Eluard: Hey everyone,

I'm having a blast playing with a wizard. I try to use cantrips as often as I can, so I don't have to rest too often. I tried ray of frost, the acid and the fire cantrip as well. I like the fact the spells generate surface depending on the element used (like DOS2 I guess). They are pretty great looking my impressions:
I just hope they'll soon introduce a sorcerer class. Having a mage with high charm/persuasion is just a very good combo.

And yes, the surfaces/spells are not balanced. I found the simple grease spell very effective.
Post edited November 16, 2020 by GR11