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Hi guys

I was wondering if anybody actually got direct connection working? Because everybody seem to have switched to VPN instead. Im not sure if direct connection even works.

Anyway pretty experienced when it comes to networks, but I fail to understand why this does not work. We try to connect with each other with the direct connect code.

I have a real and static public IPv4 Adress. No CG-NAT!
(and even a IPv6, but im not sure uf BG3 makes use of IPv6).
I have opened multiple port ranges I found in forums and what Laurian


I tried disabling the firewall on Windows 11 but still nothing.
Is there even anyone who got it working?

As a side note, the port described here larian (dot) com/support/faqs/multiplayer-issues_84 do not make a lot of sense. Instead of 23253-23262 and 23243-23252
you could simply say 23243-23262. No mentioning if it is TCP or UDP either.
Post edited January 14, 2024 by Jamuun
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i have a hyper-v server running my home network an a custon edian firewall + i'm Australian which means our network is different to Americans [most people assume US is the standard for networks]

yes i have had it working once a few months ago before Larian turned of their cross-save server ports but i only needed it for a few hours while my sister was visiting and have not tested again since
Me and my group of friends can't play cause of the NATpunch (66) message. They bought the game on steam and i had it on GoG, they have no problem joining eachother, but as soon as i try joining or hosting we get the error message. Pls GoG fix your shit, i've also tried connecting my Steam account to GoG galaxy but it just says Steam is offline and retry, which does nothing.
Glozzas: Me and my group of friends can't play cause of the NATpunch (66) message. They bought the game on steam and i had it on GoG, they have no problem joining eachother, but as soon as i try joining or hosting we get the error message. Pls GoG fix your shit, i've also tried connecting my Steam account to GoG galaxy but it just says Steam is offline and retry, which does nothing.
There are two new threads about this error, which makes me think it's a fairly new thing.

In the other thread, someone said running modify/repair on their game fixed their problem. They were seeing the issue with D:OS2, but it seemed to work.

I suspect Larian made some recent change to their infrastructure that broke stuff, and modify/repair updates the game client.

I'm not seeing the error, however, so I can't independently confirm.
Not sure why you would think that network stuff is different in Australia than in the US.
Only difference that could be there would be CG-NAT and IPv6, but that has nothing to do with the country and more with your ISP.

Anyway, most of the time we get the NAT punch error 66 and the second try then works. Sometimes we get the NAT 62 error and it does not work at all. Very strange and inconsistent behavior.

The root problem in my opinion is the very poorly documented multiplayer part.

Why can't I see my GOG or my Larian friends?
Why do I have to share a direct connect code with them?
What Ports are needed?
Is there IPv6 support?

Even the simple fact that you can't open a lobby and then load a save state, but have to load the save first and then add your friends, is nowhere documented or described.
off topic/ ignore this post
i do this for a living mate and know for a fact its different

there are 3 different types of internet here in Australia being basically mobile, broadband {the oldest but also most common/ reliable} and whats lossely lumped together into NBN

the key difference is yes we use a type of CG-Nat which means anyone from outside Australia sees everyone IN Australia as being at one of 5 basic addresses i.e, everyone in NSW shos as being in Syndey and everyone in Queensland is at the same Brisbane address

this matters because American systems i.e, Xbox and Playstation assume the American Network where you can see Bob lives at address 1 and Sally lives at address 2... if Bob and Sally both have the same ip address then they must be at the same house is the local which of course fails when looking downunder

Now Larian is not a US comany but they do use the US system and they do that because they need PS4 networks to work... they made the change at their server back in patch 3