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Is it just me or is there an issue with the AI when descending ladders and other things?

Every time I start to go down a ladder (or twisted roots or other climbing surfaces) my party piles in on top of my character, causing the ladder to break and all characters fall, receiving damage and the prone condition. It seems insane to have to break the party up and tell them to go down one-by-one.
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yes the ai is busted with ladders and holes in general and yes it is caused by patching untested code on top of the game world

The ai should auto-follow the lead character down a ladder or if she\ he jumps into a hole but the game world was made before this code was added and many of the ladders are coded wrong i.e, they actually go below ground level and therefor don't work
When did this start happening? Is this something new with the latest hotfix?
mathaetaes: When did this start happening? Is this something new with the latest hotfix?
I think so. Used to happen once in a while, but now it's al the time
when did it start = Dec last year... here is the bug report I posted
and the repair job they tried in patch 4

when did it get much worse = the Druid patch added script controls so you could go up \ down ladders in animal form and they did that by making the area 'around a ladder' bigger... had they tested this before shipping they would know it busted many of the ladders but perhaps they had a deadline or just assumed they would get to fix it later?

anyway the game is in development and these kind of issues are just part of the fun of making a game but don't panic yet guys
Post edited April 23, 2021 by ussnorway
ussnorway: when did it start = Dec last year... here is the bug report I posted
and the repair job they tried in patch 4

when did it get much worse = the Druid patch added script controls so you could go up \ down ladders in animal form and they did that by making the area 'around a ladder' bigger... had they tested this before shipping they would know it busted many of the ladders but perhaps they had a deadline or just assumed they would get to fix it later?

anyway the game is in development and these kind of issues are just part of the fun of making a game but don't panic yet guys
Not panicking... Just very frustrated.... Once a ladder is broken you can't go back up it, and you either have to rest more often or stash more food to get the hit points back. Health potions seem to be harder to come by in this game as opposed to other RPGs I've played....
ussnorway: when did it start = Dec last year... here is the bug report I posted
and the repair job they tried in patch 4

when did it get much worse = the Druid patch added script controls so you could go up \ down ladders in animal form and they did that by making the area 'around a ladder' bigger... had they tested this before shipping they would know it busted many of the ladders but perhaps they had a deadline or just assumed they would get to fix it later?

anyway the game is in development and these kind of issues are just part of the fun of making a game but don't panic yet guys
So.... my new gaming rig finally arrived (Acer Nitro 5) and I am able to run the game on Ultra video settings; had to settle for Low on my previous 'puter. The ladder problem is no longer there.....