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I've gotten a vibe that I am supposed to talk and determine if monsters that have taken over a village and killed it's people are nice or not.

When they are killed, I get the vibe that I shouldn't have been so mean. Saying that it is because some of my party members have an evil alignment doesn't make sense, as why would an evil care if I killed a monster or an nPC?

Maybe it's me reading too much into things or not understanding the dynamics correctly.
are these monsters perhaps trolls? if so then yes you had other options but I will not say one option was better than another... its your game

some characters do get upset if you pick fights you didn't need to do yes... its not so much that they are evil or good but more that they didn't think fighting was your best choice

p.s, yes pissing off your party members will add up and they may get to a point where they just say stuff you and leave [or even attack]
Don't worry about your party members disagreeing too much though, according to a dataminer on Tumblr, you get usually only -1, rarely -5 or -10 if it's something they really disagree with. (and it's the same for gains, you usually get +1, arely +5 or +10). Most choices are just -1, and the party member leaves if his disposition gets very low (I think it's below -30, -50? not sure. Low disposition is at -20+, so the threshold for leaving will be greater than that.). They will give you warnings though that their disposition is low, and you can check it in the status window.

Btw currently the greetings for Astarion are bugged (and I think others' too), so the neutral and low disposition greetings at camp are switched.
Green_Hilltop: Don't worry about your party members disagreeing too much though, according to a dataminer on Tumblr, you get usually only -1, rarely -5 or -10 if it's something they really disagree with. (and it's the same for gains, you usually get +1, arely +5 or +10). Most choices are just -1, and the party member leaves if his disposition gets very low (I think it's below -30, -50? not sure. Low disposition is at -20+, so the threshold for leaving will be greater than that.). They will give you warnings though that their disposition is low, and you can check it in the status window.

Btw currently the greetings for Astarion are bugged (and I think others' too), so the neutral and low disposition greetings at camp are switched.
Aaah, so that's why Astarion is surprisingly unfriendly... that did not make sense to me - thanks.
Really, it wasn't about making them happy or not. If they decided to leave, more xp for me.

I'm talking about the logic. Goblins, bugbears, trolls, in a town that they didn't build and the inhabitants, at best, ran off, more likely killed by the goblin/bugbear/troll group that has been killing people.

Instead of kill outright, peoples attitudes are like we should be nice to them.

It just seems, that they have incorporated some morality clauses into monster killing. Do you talk to a goblin first, or just assume its evil (even though goblins have been killing people since time untold and are currently rampaging the countryside). Having taking one prisoner for information, now is it wrong to kill the goblin? Some of my companions obviously saw it that way. etc..
Kohleran: It just seems, that they have incorporated some morality clauses into monster killing. Do you talk to a goblin first, or just assume its evil (even though goblins have been killing people since time untold and are currently rampaging the countryside).
ask Drizzt, Viconia and Deekin that question mate
Those you mention were hanging with their fellows as they commit barbaric acts through the countryside? I'd assume if Drizzt was silly enough to be marching with the Drow that had just killed a village, he wouldn't be surprised to be attacked. Just a guess...

And by the by, those are three names. OUt of how many thousands and thousands and thousands? Because there once was a drow named Drizzt, that every Drow has to be questioned for their ideology?

And I'm not a Drizzt all knower. I just know the barest of facts about him. But I know he is a he. Being male probably played a role in him not wanting to be a part of normal Drow life. Just a guess. But that is neither here nor there.
Post edited November 25, 2020 by Kohleran
But even then, I can somewhat understand Drow. They are as intelligent as the next person. Demented and evil, but intelligent. Supposedly, in some myth's, they were once elves and changed via the spider god's influence over time to what they are. A miniscule number might have enough in them to counter their Drow tendencies. But those shouldn't expect to not be attacked in normal circumstances and when their compatriots are rampaging and killing especially.

But Goblins? Ogres? Bugbears? comeon

As far as the singular Deekin, he had good voice acting, so that doesn't really count.
Post edited November 25, 2020 by Kohleran