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Hello, this is more for technicians or regedit lovers.

Got the situation, that GOG installer won't update the v4.1.1.4251417 to the next hotfix, because it "sees" a newer version installed. It did not probe the installed version, while right version is shown at larilauncher and the game itself correct.

The GOG installer peeks into the registry, where a newer number and buildid is to find.

Simple question: What is the registry "buildid" for v4.1.1.4251417

Example: For v4.1.1.4788723 it is 57322689566354288

Reason: Patch 6 is a hellish mess of bugged things that has worked before. Want my older version update to v4.1.1.4494476 in two steps.
v4.1.1.4251417 = patch 5 hotfix 4 or build 13019793 the epilogue changes or the last thing released in 2023

as for seeing a newer build that was because they [Larian] put out 2 different patches with the same game build when they added a new language

as for patch 6 being busted yes but every patch put out by Larian is a joke so just wait for the hotfixs and keep reporting their mistakes on Facebook or Twitch etc... as long as its not something that only effect Gog they will eventually get around to it