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I'm playing on a decent enough system. I'm running it on ultra and my CPU/GPU are around 33-50% while getting 60FPS and storage space for me is no problem at all. (Just want to add WOW, some amazing optimization there!)

My problem is that my wife is playing on her laptop and her SSD is only 128 gig. We found out we can run it from my hard drive but as you can imagine its kind of slow while loading.

Is there any way that we can delete/remove any video files/languages/anything else that would lower the install size? We can probably manage to free around 60-65 gig at a push so if removing anything that's not needed is possible, she would be able to play it from her local drive. I've noticed that the game files are in PAK format so would imagine its possible but if any devs read this I'd love to know if its possible. I'm happy to do the work myself but we have a disabled 5 year old and I REALLY don't want to spend time trying this if the game performs checksums on the files and my time would be wasted ;)

Also want to add, I'm TOTALLY in love with the game so far. I can't wait for the game to be finished and will wait as long as it takes to be finished. I've been watching developer videos and to see the excitement and love the devs have for this game tells me it's going to be a massive success! Keep up the amazing work, this game is in a league of its own already!
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Does she have another SSD slot? My laptop came with a 256G SSD and I added a second 1T SSD just to handle gaming
its time to treat your wife to a better system mate... a real man would give her his to play on ;)

it is possible to remove vids but not enough to fix this issue and updates come out every few weeks so it would be a case of endless repair jobs whereas sticking a 1T dive into her system is cheep\ easy
Thanks for the reply guys! I appreciate you taking the time to read :) Alas, I've had a string of problems in the last week (a second degree burn on my arm, a freezer which died and caused all my food to defrost, a burst pipe in the kitchen which destroyed my washing machine and zapped the electrics also causing the freezer to defrost AGAIN).

I *do* plan on buying my wonderful wife an external HD (most likely mechanical and a big size) but obviously after the last week my funds have been hit pretty hard. I actually have the housing for one already so just need the drive ;)
UncleMarty: Thanks for the reply guys! I appreciate you taking the time to read :) Alas, I've had a string of problems in the last week (a second degree burn on my arm, a freezer which died and caused all my food to defrost, a burst pipe in the kitchen which destroyed my washing machine and zapped the electrics also causing the freezer to defrost AGAIN).

I *do* plan on buying my wonderful wife an external HD (most likely mechanical and a big size) but obviously after the last week my funds have been hit pretty hard. I actually have the housing for one already so just need the drive ;)
Sorry to hear about that. I hope your luck turns around. (redacted)
Post edited August 12, 2021 by J Lo
to be honest running games on external HD is asking for trouble... save your money and replace the internal hd instead
ussnorway: to be honest running games on external HD is asking for trouble... save your money and replace the internal hd instead
If you're using a mechanical HD with USB 3.1 then there's little or no difference in speed. This is also on a laptop too so an external is fine. I have a 3 TB mechanical drive with USB that I use for a lot of heavy audio related work and it does just fine. People generally hear "External" and associate it with USB 2 speeds but it's not like that any more.

I managed to find a PAK extractor ( ) which supports BG3 and have managed to extract the files and either remove a lot of fluff or convert it downwards (we game in the same room so we watch all cutscenes and use sound etc on my desktop). So far no problems and I shaved a ton of stuff of her install so now she can play it from her local drive :)

Of course, this is only short term but it's now made loading SUPER fast in comparison.
UncleMarty: If you're using a mechanical HD with USB 3.1 then there's little or no difference in speed. This is also on a laptop too so an external is fine. I have a 3 TB mechanical drive with USB that I use for a lot of heavy audio related work and it does just fine. People generally hear "External" and associate it with USB 2 speeds but it's not like that any more.

I managed to find a PAK extractor ( ) which supports BG3 and have managed to extract the files and either remove a lot of fluff or convert it downwards (we game in the same room so we watch all cutscenes and use sound etc on my desktop). So far no problems and I shaved a ton of stuff of her install so now she can play it from her local drive :)

Of course, this is only short term but it's now made loading SUPER fast in comparison.
I assume you mean an external SSD. A mechanical HD, even over USB 3.1, will result in intolerably slow load times. The bottleneck is the seek speed, and while you could go nuts and buy a 10k RPM drive, an SSD of similar size would likely be both faster and cheaper.

Spinning disk drives have their uses, but hosting applications (especially games) is no longer one of them.
speed is only one issue, USB ports need power and Microsoft loves replacing factory drivers with their own crap that makes the ports drop in and out at random so external [anything] drives are best used for storage only

the 128G drive she has now is bottom of the market and upgrading that to 512 or 1T is a cheep replacement when you get around to it

good luck to both of you
UncleMarty: I managed to find a PAK extractor ( ) which supports BG3 and have managed to extract the files and either remove a lot of fluff or convert it downwards (we game in the same room so we watch all cutscenes and use sound etc on my desktop).
Do you remember what kind of stuff you got rid of? I'd be interested in doing this too. Also, what do you mean by "convert it downwards"?