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LawfulStupid19: But in D&D, it's true, as subtle shades of grey simply aren't a thing there.
In D&D as played by middle-school adolescents, maybe.

But my D&D has had those subtle shades for decades now. Nor am I alone in that - for example, the entire Eberron campaign setting.
And they're not a thing because D&D is about clearly defined forces to facilitate pulp style heroics. Someone who is "mentally ill" in D&D isn't mildly unbalanced, they're a gibbering wreck, like they just saw Cthulhu.
Even being a complete delusional "wreck" requires neither Chaotic nor Evil alignments.

An example from literature: Don Quixote. Absolutely batshit insane (literally tilting at windmills) ... but also both LAwful and Good.

Another example, though tending more towards Chaotic Good: Baron Munchausen.
Someone who is Evil [...]
Again, that may be how you play D&D.

It's not how everyone does. Indeed, there are large swathes of the D&D playerbase who do not portray Good or Evil in such overly-simplistic terms, with moustache-twirling villains and Dudley Do-Right heroes.
_Pax_: It's not how everyone does. Indeed, there are large swathes of the D&D playerbase who do not portray Good or Evil in such overly-simplistic terms, with moustache-twirling villains and Dudley Do-Right heroes.
It probably varies depending on circumstances and the house rules at a particular table. In general, I prefer having shades of grey with regards to alignment too, but in D&D, morality is also objective in a lot of cases. Some acts and deeds are ALWAYS evil (such as the creation of undead), and some acts are ALWAYS good (such as showing mercy and sparing a foe, even an absolutely unrepentant villain who would likely go on to commit evil deeds unless prevented from doing so).
Engerek01: I was talking about your racist comments. "They should be evil and manipulative just because they belong to that race" was a racist comment
We literally just had a Malaysian MP calling publicly on Twitter and Facebook to wipe out millions of French. We had several beheadings right in the middle of Paris and Nice.

And now I'm coming to GoG and see some fools complaining about JK Rowling's comments or the depiction of Illithids(!) in an RPG(!) game :O

Where are your "antiracism" rallies against Mahathir Mohamed and Yusra Khogali, you wanna-be "antiracists"?

You guys simply are not "antiracist" at all. You love prejudice and racism as long as it is directed against Western countries. And you always only complain if you can blame it on Western countries.
Post edited November 14, 2020 by GR11
Engerek01: Racism is racism, in every culture, region, fiction or not. It is called racism whether it is against elves, droves, or illithids. Just because some people can not comprehend that does not change this fact. Racism is not a subject for FUN. Also, implementing racism in games just to make it more realistic (like The Witchers series for example) is DEFINITELY NOT the same as supporting those ideas yourselves.
If you would care about prejudice and racism, you would be out in the streets and protest against Mahathir Mohamed, Yusra Khogali, IS, Hamas and BDS. Instead, you complain about the depiction of Illithids(!) in a fantasy RPG(!)

You don't care about discrimination or racism at all. You only care if you can blame Western countries.
Zaxares: The disconnection theory is a plausible one, but as LawfulStupid says, it's quite likely that such an occurrence would drive the illithid to near-madness and fill it with an obsession to return to the hive mind at all costs. For illithids, the constant, omnipresent presence of the Elder Brain is like a warm, reassuring blanket. (In the Lords of Madness supplement, it's revealed that illithids who leave the community for extended periods often bring along psionic items that mimic this constant telepathic chatter.) For a human, the equivalent of losing this constant contact with the Elder Brain would be like being suddenly struck blind and deaf, able to sense the world only through smells and touch. You could still survive in such a state, naturally, but how impossibly lonely and isolated would you feel?
You can do all that, just write it carefully. You can have a 'nice' Illithid and an entire settlement of Tieflings. Just be careful that these species are meant to be rare and enigmatic.

One thing the writers of Larian obviously fail to realize is that such rare and enigmatic species need to be contrasted with more "common" folk. You need a human fishers' village and common soldiers to depict Tieflings as something cool and Illithids as something utterly alien.

If you start depicting them as everyday occurence, the feeling of awe or fear will quickly vanish.

edgewalker_001: TBH I still don't understand why an Illithid, perhaps a rogue spellcaster looking for the secret of lichdom couldn't join up with a band of adventurers. As Astarion says, there's going to be plenty of evil stuff to kill and none of those are going to need their brains after they are done with them anyhow...
You can do that. But please take a little care and invest a bit more time than just a few sentences.

For example, you could first hear *rumors* of that Illithid from a Duergar (not a Hobgoblin). And then, you could search for that Illithid. And then, he could act all sinister or funny - saying how your brain looks tasty or something.

But please don't just take two or three sentences to show an Illithid in the middle of a spore colony as just a "human with tentacles".
Post edited November 14, 2020 by GR11
GR11: Where are your "antiracism" rallies against Mahathir Mohamed and Yusra Khogali, you wanna-be "antiracists"?
I'm not Malaysian, neither by citizenship nor ethnic heritage. I don't follow Malaysian MPs, therefor.

And being only human, with the same 24 hours in a day as anyone else, I don't have the time to follow and review the entirety of human communication on the internet - not even "just" that part of it associated with governments and celebrities.

Indeed, I have more than enough to do, just to keep up with events right here in my own country.
You guys simply are not "antiracist" at all. You love prejudice and racism as long as it is directed against Western countries. And you always only complain if you can blame it on Western countries.
.... dude, I am in and from a Western country. The United States of America. And yes, I've been bloody well fighting racism (and sexism, and homophobia, and xenophobia) here. For the last four years, it's been a full-time friggin' job. i AM NOT SUPERMAN, I can only do so much.