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I get that Larian goes for a more lighthearted, funny story. And that's fine - as long as they present their deviations from common Forgotten Realms lore in a halfway credible way.

I just came across a 'nice' Illithid in the Underdark. Who literally behaved like a Human who happens to have tentacles. In the middle of a Myconid spore colony. Next to a Hobgoblin who is his best pal.

There have always been funny easter eggs in Baldur's Gate that weren't meant to be taken seriously - like a Goblin with a certain name giving you an autograph etc. But guys - Tieflings are not just 'Humans with horns'. Illithids are not just 'Humans with tentacles'. And Elves are not just 'Humans with pointy ears'.

It would have been very easy to come up with a halfway credible story - maybe one Illithid being expulsed because he dared to question something. And then, he would be hiding somewhere in the Underdark - surely *not* in the middle of a Myconid spore colony. And some Duergar - *not* a Hobgoblin who happens to live in the Underdark - would have known his whereabouts.

All this simply strikes me as sloppy writing. I don't want to be too harsh - Baldur's Gate 3 is, in my humble opinion, still a great game.

But it would have been easy to avoid such pitfalls.
GR11: I get that Larian goes for a more lighthearted, funny story. And that's fine - as long as they present their deviations from common Forgotten Realms lore in a halfway credible way.

I just came across a 'nice' Illithid in the Underdark. Who literally behaved like a Human who happens to have tentacles. In the middle of a Myconid spore colony. Next to a Hobgoblin who is his best pal.

There have always been funny easter eggs in Baldur's Gate that weren't meant to be taken seriously - like a Goblin with a certain name giving you an autograph etc. But guys - Tieflings are not just 'Humans with horns'. Illithids are not just 'Humans with tentacles'. And Elves are not just 'Humans with pointy ears'.

It would have been very easy to come up with a halfway credible story - maybe one Illithid being expulsed because he dared to question something. And then, he would be hiding somewhere in the Underdark - surely *not* in the middle of a Myconid spore colony. And some Duergar - *not* a Hobgoblin who happens to live in the Underdark - would have known his whereabouts.

All this simply strikes me as sloppy writing. I don't want to be too harsh - Baldur's Gate 3 is, in my humble opinion, still a great game.

But it would have been easy to avoid such pitfalls.
I don't know enough about BG to respond about your points but the forum is a good place to put this and from the looks of the forums your not alone in this.
smuggly: I don't know enough about BG to respond about your points but the forum is a good place to put this and from the looks of the forums your not alone in this.
This is of course highly subjective and there might be people who like more 'quirky' characters or more 'funny' writing. And that is of course completely fine.

It's just that the Illithids are meant to be these sadistic, absolutely evil antagonists. And then, in a few short sentences, you are suddenly introduced to this 'society of brilliance' and an Illithid coming out of the blue and behaving like a normal human.

I mean, there could at least have been some sinister remarks why my character is so bent on getting rid of the tadpole - after all, turning into a 'higher being' is a great thing.

Or take the two 'mushroom gathering' dwarves/halflings in the Myconid colony. Sure, it's funny to rescue the one halfling/dwarf from the exploding mushrooms. But you could also have done that with a Duergar or an escaped slave.

I mean, I just solved a difficult puzzle, fought through phase spiders and jumped down deep pits to gain access to the Underdark, where I was beset by Minotaurs, Eye Tyrants and Hooked Horrors at every turn. And then I meet some Halflings/Dwarves from Baldur's Gate who are... gathering mushrooms.
so just kill the illithid [and good luck with that pal] and ignore the dwarfs... they are minor characters ;)
low rated
Do you realize how racist your vision is? If the things you said were true, we wouldn't have amazing characters like Viconia or Drizzt. And if you are aware of the show called "Critical Role", the whole show is proof that everything you said is wrong.

I am glad that Larian is going bold with these so people like you can improve their vision. Baldur's Gate is a part of the lore of the Forgotten Realms. Not the other way around.
The nice illithid we get in BG3 isn't any more unrealistic than the nice beholder we get in BG2. The underdark is a nightmarish realm - and has more in common with the outer planes than the prime material. It's rare for members of the factions there to defect (probably because they aren't even aware it's an option), but it's really not that strange.

Sadism is getting joy from the pain of others just because you can, even if there is no purpose behind it. I've never seen mind flayers portrayed this way in any type of media. For the sake of full disclosure, I have to admit I haven't read/seen/played every D&D thing out there. From what I've seen they're cold, mechanical, and calculating in their methods. Everything has a purpose. Even if they did secretly revel in the pain of others, they probably wouldn't do it. Their society relies on thralls for scouts and meat shields, and you won't get much mileage out of damaged toy soldiers. Sadism is more prominent in drow, duergar, and derro cultures.
just fyu for new players; Tieflings and Gith are the two races that put up with distrust more than Drow and this is because of things that have happened which I will not go into but the [game] story tells you about
GR11: But it would have been easy to avoid such pitfalls.
IF you want and able to produce an original game. otherwise all we get is a rebadged sequel, the main selling point of which is - surprise surprise - pretty looks on the extreme close-ups (and a char generator which would make barbie fashion designer end up in a monastery).

have you mentioned little evil shifty talking brain-on-legs? Trademark Larian (or at least Larian's DOS, haven't played their earlier Divinity titles).

All this Illithid aesthetic is employed solely to paper over the fact that it's still Larian and still their gingerbread-house disney-style world and writing. But now it's EEEVIIIIL. Yeah, sure.

They even have two chars end up on a desolate beach after that ridiculously (but not for Larian!) over-the-top, in-your-face, artificially repulsive bruckhimery action movie style intro sequence (ideal for a Netflix bargain bin).
Not sure if they're physically unable to NOT do a DOS or just trolling their customers.
J Lo: The nice illithid we get in BG3 isn't any more unrealistic than the nice beholder we get in BG2. The underdark is a nightmarish realm - and has more in common with the outer planes than the prime material. It's rare for members of the factions there to defect (probably because they aren't even aware it's an option), but it's really not that strange.

Sadism is getting joy from the pain of others just because you can, even if there is no purpose behind it. I've never seen mind flayers portrayed this way in any type of media. For the sake of full disclosure, I have to admit I haven't read/seen/played every D&D thing out there. From what I've seen they're cold, mechanical, and calculating in their methods. Everything has a purpose. Even if they did secretly revel in the pain of others, they probably wouldn't do it. Their society relies on thralls for scouts and meat shields, and you won't get much mileage out of damaged toy soldiers. Sadism is more prominent in drow, duergar, and derro cultures.
~Bows~ Finally someone who knows what they are talking about.
osm: ....
Another person who has no idea what they are talking about.

BG3 currently does not have a char generator as you put it. There is only a handful of selections you can choose from.

Do you think that brain-on-legs is trademark Larian? You don't know what it is, do you?

You clearly haven't even played the game yet, which renders all your comment completely speculative hence useless.

Like I've said in other topics, the biggest problem of BG3 is people who haven't even played the games, yet feel the right to criticize with their incredibly limited knowledge. Still, the game is amazing and the user reviews (from those who actually own and played the game) are very positive.
J Lo: The nice illithid we get in BG3 isn't any more unrealistic than the nice beholder we get in BG2. The underdark is a nightmarish realm - and has more in common with the outer planes than the prime material. It's rare for members of the factions there to defect (probably because they aren't even aware it's an option), but it's really not that strange.

Sadism is getting joy from the pain of others just because you can, even if there is no purpose behind it. I've never seen mind flayers portrayed this way in any type of media. For the sake of full disclosure, I have to admit I haven't read/seen/played every D&D thing out there. From what I've seen they're cold, mechanical, and calculating in their methods. Everything has a purpose. Even if they did secretly revel in the pain of others, they probably wouldn't do it. Their society relies on thralls for scouts and meat shields, and you won't get much mileage out of damaged toy soldiers. Sadism is more prominent in drow, duergar, and derro cultures.
Engerek01: ~Bows~ Finally someone who knows what they are talking about.
osm: ....
Engerek01: Another person who has no idea what they are talking about.

BG3 currently does not have a char generator as you put it. There is only a handful of selections you can choose from.

Do you think that brain-on-legs is trademark Larian? You don't know what it is, do you?

You clearly haven't even played the game yet, which renders all your comment completely speculative hence useless.

Like I've said in other topics, the biggest problem of BG3 is people who haven't even played the games, yet feel the right to criticize with their incredibly limited knowledge. Still, the game is amazing and the user reviews (from those who actually own and played the game) are very positive.
J Lo: The nice illithid we get in BG3 isn't any more unrealistic than the nice beholder we get in BG2. The underdark is a nightmarish realm - and has more in common with the outer planes than the prime material. It's rare for members of the factions there to defect (probably because they aren't even aware it's an option), but it's really not that strange.
Sure, but if you do something like that, you need to take extra care to write it well. If something like that just drops from nowhere, without any introduction or backstory and without even a hint that it's meant as 'funny', you might confuse or even aggravate players.

And you should also not do it constantly. Once or twice maybe - that might work. But if you constantly go against the basic lore, your world building might begin to feel disjointed.
Engerek01: Do you realize how racist your vision is? If the things you said were true, we wouldn't have amazing characters like Viconia or Drizzt.
Please take your racial hatred elsewhere. We just had several killings in Europe and I am really fed up with leftists trying to stir up hatred against Western countries, ludicrous books and RPGs.
Post edited November 03, 2020 by GR11
osm: have you mentioned little evil shifty talking brain-on-legs? Trademark Larian (or at least Larian's DOS, haven't played their earlier Divinity titles).
The "brain-on-legs" is a CLASSIC Dungeons and Dragons monster, the Intellect Devourer. Old-school classic, in fact - it was one of the original monsters in the 1E Monster Manual (page 54, lower right corner).

In short:

You have no idea what you're talking about, and YOU. ARE. DISMISSED.
osm: They even have two chars end up on a desolate beach after that ridiculously (but not for Larian!) over-the-top, in-your-face, artificially repulsive bruckhimery action movie style intro sequence (ideal for a Netflix bargain bin).
Not sure if they're physically unable to NOT do a DOS or just trolling their customers.
You can do something like that and yes, I am aware that this is almost exactly the same as the ship sinking in DOS 2.

It's their style, which is over the top. I just think it could be improved.

In fact, the opening sequence was ok, I think. The first cringe-worthy scene was when two Tieflings had captured Lae'zel and were talking about how 'alien' she was. And then they were casually talking to you, who, depending on your choice of character, might be quite a bit closer looking to a Githyanki than a Tiefling with horns and red skin ^^
osm: They even have two chars end up on a desolate beach after that ridiculously (but not for Larian!) over-the-top, in-your-face, artificially repulsive bruckhimery action movie style intro sequence (ideal for a Netflix bargain bin).
Not sure if they're physically unable to NOT do a DOS or just trolling their customers.
GR11: You can do something like that and yes, I am aware that this is almost exactly the same as the ship sinking in DOS 2.
erm... that's exactly the beginning of DOS1. I was watching the gameplay video and just gave up as soon as they ended up there. Saw everything I've needed.
Only curious, will they make stealing and reselling paintings just as profitable...
low rated
Engerek01: Do you realize how racist your vision is? If the things you said were true, we wouldn't have amazing characters like Viconia or Drizzt.
GR11: Please take your racial hatred elsewhere. We just had several killings in Europe and I am really fed up with leftists trying to stir up hatred against Western countries, ludicrous books and RPGs.
I was talking about your racist comments. "They should be evil and manipulative just because they belong to that race" was a racist comment and my reaction to that had nothing to do with the attacks in Viena (if that's what you were referring to). And your attempt to bring the lore of the forgotten realms to the real world is even more despicable.

How and in what sense your hatred for mind flayers could be interpreted as me trying to spread hate in the western world? What kind of logic is that?

And if your profile is true, you are from Germany, the country which practically created 20th-century psychology education because of the things you did. Did they stop teaching what racism is in Germany or did you get your education somewhere else?