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I'm having great difficulty (as in, none) getting any Target Information or Reconnaissance flights when I plan a mision. I've read the manual, and I seem to be doing everything correctly. I'm putting the bomb on target (and getting the right target in the briefing room) but get no Target Information, and putting on Reconnaissance flight but it never happens.

What am I doing wrong?

When I run the game a line cuts up a very small part of the top of the screen. Are there buttons there that I'm missing? This is quite frustrating.

Thanks very much to one and all for any assistance!
In the Squadron campaign you designate up to three targets using the plane icons on the planning map. Recon will not be available for the 1st mission; the planes fly out while you are on your first mission. The recon videos should be available for viewing while you plan for your second mission.

If I recall correctly, the bombs only designate targets, they do not provide intel (aside from a mini report somewhere during planning that has fighter and flak strength estimates). I'm just getting back into the game after a decade hiatus so once I get used to the sim again I can provide more information (if no one else replies to you).

The game line can be removed; take a look at the tutorial videos posted by Ikrananka. The first tutorial has instructions on what to download and how to remove that bar.
Post edited June 05, 2017 by jayarrell
Thanks for getting back to me!

I'm talking about the recon missions that happen when you plan a mission. You're supposed to be able to do pre-mission overflights, to get recon video before the mission starts in teh Briefing Room.

I'm getting back to this game after... many years!
You can see a video of the primary target if you sent a recon flight to that target during a prior mission. The first mission of the campaign will not have any reconnaissance videos. If your primary target didn't get a recon flight previously I don't think you get any video.

Or you could use the v7th photos to view targets.

More detail in case this helps anyone.

During planning you will designate three recon targets.

After you complete the first mission you will have intelligence available for the three targets. During planning for the second mission there is a folder on on the desk in the office (right side) that collects and reports the intelligence for the targets where you've sent recon flights - fighter coverage, flak coverage, and a target description. This info is also used in the target briefing.

When you open the map to plan your mission 2 targets, if you scroll around you will see the targets that you designated during mission 1 planning have a camera icon above the target symbol indicating recon video is available. When you setup your bombing targets, don't forget to send more recon flights.

If your primary target is one of the sites that you recon during mission 1 you can view the video during the mission briefing.

Recon stays active for a while but eventually you might have to send a recon flight back for updated intelligence and/or you may want to send a flight to the target you bombed previously to see if it's been repaired and needs to be hit again.
Ah, thanks for clearing that up, jayarrell. I get it now, really appreciate it. It's opened up a huge new part of the game!