In RL 2 engine flight was possible but still dicey. Two Wright1820 engines just didn't provide enough lift for loaded B17G . Crews did everything possible to reduce weight by throwing out gear and make friendly territory ASAP.
Unfortunately, in the game we can't reduce weight like this, but you may be able to reach friendly territory. The goal is to make friendly territory. If you are near the French coast and have 20K alt you should be able to reach mid-channel or further then bail or ditch. Crews will return.
The AI can fly on 2 good engines for a while with player help , assuming the engines are on opposite wings, the bad engines feathered, wing fuel tanks balanced, bombs dropped, and some fuel reduced.
The problem is that the AI will try and maintain 150mph always. it can only do this by running both the remaining good engines at higher than normal power (i.e. manifold pressure ) settings, which eventually raise oil temperatures to critical levels and the pilot bails. The solution is to lower the alt setting for the AI. The AI will then reduce power (MP) and this will allow oil temps to cool some, but the cycle will start again. Eventually you run out of altitude.
The player take control and fly further by keeping speeds lower than 150mph. But you still have lift problems eventually. You run into the same problem as AI. requiring more MP power to maintain lift thus increasing oil overheating. Test it in a SC test mission.
Their is also the maneuver where you send the bomber directly back to base, then drag the altitude pin above home base completely off the map. Then 2x time skip. The bomber and crew will be teleported back to base. This is a cheat of course but does compensate not having a way reduce weight.