I have written about this issue with DE / Atari and the GOG storefront themselves, on the problem of missing DLC / updates on GOG releases.
In my posts, I have detailed where the endemic, on-going and longstanding issue of missing updates / DLC is the responsibility of the publisher, the GOG storefront and customers themselves.
My post, on the ‘Wider World of Atari’ forum :
https://www.gog.com/forum/atari_50_the_anniversary_celebration/wider_world_of_atari/page2 We, as customers, hold certain ‘acceptable’ expectations as to how we expect to be treated. In this particular case, it is the GOG store, where customers may be willing to wait for DLC / updates to be released by the publisher.
This falls in line with established expectations: perhaps customers are simply glad they are receiving a particular game or update on their chosen platform, especially given that these products are DRM free.
This tolerable ‘expectation’ of the customer is also recognised and held by the GOG store and publishers themselves, where both GOG and the publisher may have reached a mutually beneficial business agreement, where GOG hosts games on their storefront, but the publisher cannot guarantee a ‘timely’ release of the updates / DLC. or these updates being provided at all.
This contractual agreement - which affords a certain leeway to the publisher - extendable to DLC being cancelled or never planned for GOG release - must be in place between GOG and the publisher. This stands to reason.
For this to be contrary to the case, GOG would be pursuing the customer’s best interests first - in pushing developers to ensure certain guarantees of updates / DLC.
Clearly, this is not the case, as an entire forum exists on here: ‘'Games that treat GOG customers as second class citizens v2'’ - dedicated to this long-running issue.
As it is, there exists a mutually beneficial agreement between the GOG store and publisher, at the expense of the customer, who is not even considered.
Regarding the attribution of ‘blame, I think we're all missing the point here. 'I think it's DE to blame', or 'I think it's Atari'.
Atari is the publisher of DE, including Atari 50. As a publisher, Atari is responsible for deciding whether to release a product, when, how and on what platforms.
GOG is the storefront, who are responsible for the advertising and selling of the product.
Regarding the 'issues' that the developer, DE cites as a problem for the release of this game on the GOG platform / storefront:
Instead of complaining about this on some dark corner of a GOG forum, the users on here could have been voicing their complaints on public channels, such as DE / Atari’s YouTube video page / social media - from day 1 - as I have done, repeatedly.
This is where DE actually responded to my query, citing ‘something went wrong’.
This, defending publishers, developers, or the GOG storefront itself, through some misguided sense of loyalty, does nothing to address the situation. That we, as customers, are being ripped off. Pure and simple. We play the blame game, meanwhile the issue of missing content / updates continues, as we continue to support this practice. We support this through our continued purchases from the publisher, Atari, and through any purchases on the GOG store itself.
I contacted GOG 4 months ago, highlighting my concerns regarding this missing DLC and complete lack of information on the status of this. I received no response.
I have contacted GOG again, and requested, at the very least, GOG update their product page for Atari 50 with a disclaimer in bold - at the bottom of the description, that the developer is no longer supporting this product.
I am also considering adding a review to highlight this issue.