You can maybe fix it, by editing [astrox installation directory]/MOD/saves/[your character name]/player_data.txt
Make a copy of the file before you do any changes, just in case...
Make sure either game is not running or the save is not loaded. When its loaded the changes to file won't be loaded and if you exit the game the fix in the save file will be overwritten by -inifity again!
Open it with some format-free editor. You could try windows's "notepad". If the content is messed up (no line-breaks/everything inline), you need some proper editor, the one from windows kind of sucks. Not the best, but simplest to get alternative is notepad++
It should look something similar to this:
// PLAYER;Variable;Value
[...more content]
Fix the "credits" number. And before you do, can you tell what there is, literally -infinity? Some languages have the concept of infinity and its a valid "number" and you can do math with it... You happen to have negative infinity, which means you are deep in shit and will never get out of debt. Your creditor is a lucky bastard, I tell you that! :D
Post edited June 18, 2021 by ysor123