momoguru: are you able to scale the UI bigger in game options?
I forgot all about this game, then I saw I had forum replies, so I came to see what it was about, now I see the game has been updated, I will go download and reinstall and see how it looks now.
Get back to you later. Remind me if I take too long, I am forgetful.
EDIT 2/15/20 So i tried it again, i figured out how to undock, made it to the rock to mine but couldn't figure out how to mine the rock.
you know if we had control options we could set keys to do things and we could figure it out that way, my mouse wont mine the rock, seems to be for flight only, and selecting attack, target or unlock didn't do it.. uninstalling again..
this game really just doesn't scratch no itches for me, but neither did the X series that so many rave about, which I despise personally, I just don't get that game, never made it anywhere in it, was too hard to get around in, died over and over trying to get out of spacedock, never made it further than 50 feet from where I started, geez space is awefully confining and restrictive, never knew why I died all those times, after 30 or 40 times I didn't care and never touched em again.
For me I enjoyed Freespace 2 best of all, for more modern releases both Rebel Galaxy and Everspace are good, I think I prefer Rebel Galaxy to Everspace though myself, mostly because I have it set to play Monster Magnet as I fly around through space, not that the original soundtrack was bad, quite the contrary actually, but I have a thing about Monster Magnet and they fit the scenario very well. Rebel Galaxy though however is really more like a space-faring-towtruck driving game it feels like most of the time, but that is still better than this, at least it is easy to get moving and to play, easy to understand, simple enough to not even require a manual, but a reference card was issued with the game, which I never did use.
Your tutorials are seriously lacking, they only give you part of what you need to know, and not enough to do anything really.
This game just isn't for me, sorry, but point blank, back to Everspace.
No need to let me know you cleaned it up more, I just don't care, had it a month and just can't get into it for multiple reasons, after a month it goes in the file with the X-series, that would be file 86, which did not always means "to get rid of something" (the meaning adopted in the 90's), but originally rather it meant "Garbage".
Should do something about those retarded looking guys in the character creation menu, they ALL look like they got downs syndrome or something, and the "Accessories".. you can't be serious.. you need a artist, badly. Any possible combinations of faces and accessories gives you a obviously downs syndrome afflicted adult. Would you really trust someone that looked like that with 55K and a spaceship? for accessories, maybe you should add a viking helm with dual beer holders with straws for life support, would look more realistic. Would be cheaper to just push them out the airlock into the vacuum of space though you know, alot more realistic, save 55K and a spaceship too, besides, they might turn on you, you never know.
Now I know I don't look "normal", but then again I work as an actor and I get paid to look like a deranged psychopath, you have seen me in multiple cell-blocks on TV and when I am not in a cell-block I am usually in a Asylum (Like I was with AHS-1984, I was fit for "Ratched" with Sarah Paulson for season 1 but they didn't want to airbrush my tattooes over everyday so I got cut), only been a couple times I wasn't used in such a manner, once on "Perfect Harmony" ( << in this episode at 2:40 I am in a gold pick-up truck so they could make a lame joke about "the guy with the truck and the beard or the guy with the beard and the truck, I am one of those) and also Star Wars the Mandalorian Season 2 episode 5 I am a "Fishmonger" and in one scene of that episode I am in the shot a couple times, one of the images I will be shaking a guys hand and congratulating him while standing in the back on the right if you look carefully (I look like a space-rouge in truth, If I was more "clean-cut" I probably could have gotten on Star Trek Pickard (which is filmed right down the road from me here in Santa Clarita Ca, over by Vasquez Rocks)), other than that, Inmate and Psychopath. A shame really, cause when I go out people don't know me by name and they don't realize they have seen me on TV so they react as if I were that in reality (cause they saw it on TV), Hollywood and how it jades peoples minds, if they have one to begin with.
I am straight out of central casting. the best space vehicle is a mushroom by the way, trust me on that.
from the dust of Reishie (manna) to our atmosphere to a mushroom to ingest only to get back out there while standing here in this world, 2 places at once you know.
manna, divine energy from the heavens, god is a mushroom you see.. he travels the heavens (space) all day.