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(from Steam)
Astrea: Six-Sided Oracles update for 13 August 2024
Hot Fix - v1.1.573

Hey Oracles,

This patch just fix some easy to reproduce bugs from the latest patch :moonie:

Patch Notes
Hot Fix

- Fixed softlock when playing Soothe Mind on a die with Corrupt action and another action with no value.
- Fixed softlock when Corrupted Convert/Superpositioned would try to change an Unforgeable Purify Enemy to Unforgeable Corrupt Enemy/Unforgeable Confuse Enemy respectively.
- Fixed defeating Corrupted Beacon from Corrupted Assembler Boss Battle during draw phase not enabling Virtues.
- Fixed shortcut glyph being empty when playing on Mouse + Keyboard.
- Fixed softlock on Void Mantra + Bone Khopesh + Fervorous Sundial interaction.

May Astrea bless you

So I'm guessing the following Patch from before version 1.1.573 is included:

MAJOR Astrea: Six-Sided Oracles update for 10 August 2024
Reworks and Balancing - v1.1.565

But now I'm supper happy to announce the reworks/balancing changes are live on the main branch!

To help you guys understand what have been changed here is a list of the most important changes (didn't add everything, just the most important changes, but all the changes were added to the patch notes of the beta versions):

Now it is possible to skip destroy die and forge die rewards/events.
Now it is possible to go back to previous screen when forging, duplicating or destroying a die on shop/events.
Now it is possible to go back to previous screen when on choose/change one of your current sentinels screen.
Now pressing "Esc" when inspecting a die, viewing draw pool, discard, dice pool and etc (all UI that player can go back) will go back to previous screen instead of opening the Pause Menu.
Now pressing mouse right-click while dragging a die or a Virtue will drop the current dragged item.
Added keyboard shortcuts for End Turn, Draw Pool, Discard, Dice Pool, Corruption Meter and Hearts, Sentinels and map UI.
Added keyboard shortcuts for selecting Dice and Virtues.
Added key binding menu.
Removed Fast Purification score.


Added a new mute system based on chapter where some dice and blessings won't appear on certain chapters. Dice and Blessings that appear only on certain chapters have a "C" letter with a number beside the name of the Blessing and beside the owner of the die, this represents in which chapter that Blessing or Die can appear. For instance, C1C2 means it can appear only on Tainted Reef or Astropolis Ruins. If there is no "C", it means it can appear in any chapter.
Now dice rewards won't ever have 3 Neutral dice at once.

Blessings, actions and effects

Buffed a bunch of Star Blessing and Black Hole Blessings.
New action Rolling Stars: Whenever you reroll a die, a random enemy receive X Purification for each die rerolled.
Buffed Timeless, now it has the Timeless keyword on itself. Changed Timeless to apply 1 Light Shield to player instead of dealing 3 Purification.
Buffed Reduction, now it deals 2 Purification to the owner of the die for each point of Corruption decreased on each die.
Buffed Invoke, increased Epic chance from 25% to 100%. Now it also draw 1 die.
Changed Calm to apply Light Shield to player instead of dealing Purification.
Nerfed Incorruptible Risky Die values. Added Unforgeable Corrupt to 2 die faces.
Changed Forge Area Purify to be a Neutral die instead of Cellarius die. Forge Area Purify dice won't appear on Chapter 3 anymore.
Buffed Boost, now all enemies receive 10 Purification for each die discarded during the draw phase when Boost is active.
Reworked Hypersensitive Aura to stack with Hypersensitive Aura on other creatures.


Reworked Sentinels break mechanic, now when a sentinel breaks it will be repaired after 3 turns, at the start of Draw Phase, before drawing dice, which means it will draw dice normally on the turn that it is repaired. For instance, if a sentinel breaks Turn 1, it will be repaired at the start of Turn 4 Draw Phase.
Decreased sentinels prices, now every level costs 150 Star Shards.
Buffed a bunch of sentinels.
Buffed Unknown Device Replicate action, now it increases the chance of its die becoming an epic each level, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100%.
Buffed Colossus Hand, added starting Empower from level 2 and on. Empower per level: 0, 1, 2, 3, 6.
Nerfed Dice Drive, removed Healbot from all levels. Changed Max Corruption to be 3 on all levels. Added 2 Draw 1 die faces to Level 5.


Reorganized maps from Chapter 1, 2 and 3.
There are fewer Chest locations now.
There are only 1 Destroy location per Chapter now.
1 Duplicate location will always be available as an option at the end of Chapter 1 and Chapter 3.
Removed a node layer after first battle of Chapter 2.
Removed a node layer after second battle of Chapter 3.
Buffed Destroy Die location, increased destroy die amount from 1 to up to 2.
Reworked Broken Shrine, now there is a third choice "Destroy 4 non-Starter Die to gain 1 Star Blessing".


Buffed Dice Cage event, now the randomized die can be Epic Die.
Buffed Dicesmith Statue event, decreased Epic % chance increase cost from 100 to 50 Star Shards.
Buffed Crimson Vault, increased Star Shards gain from 1500 to 3000.
Buffed Saiph's Gift, increased Sentinel Shop discount from 20% to 50%.
Reworked Altar of Fractals event, removed first option "Duplicate any die from your dice pool.". Changed second option, now any die can be duplicated 3 times.
Buffed Elder Dicesmith event, increased Epic Die gain amount from 1 to 2.


Buffed Enhance, Ascend and Bright Enhancement, now it can be used in Purify actions of any value.
Balanced Haunted Chalk, it only works when the Enhanced die Purify value was a 1.
New action Forge Deathrite: Change a die from your hand into Dissolve Life action for the rest of the run. Deal 10 Purification to all enemies for each Dissolve Life action in your dice pool.
Buffed Crescent Beam, now it has the Timeless keyword on itself.
Buffed Silver Snare, now if player change an enemy die, it also Refresh Virtues.
Buffed Selenic Domination, now if player change an enemy die, it also Draw 3 dice.
Buffed Amplify, increased Area Purify 6 to 10. Now it can be used on Purify 1 from any target.
Buffed Nocturnal Updraft, now player gains 1 Doom. Removed fixed Purification.
Buffed Blasphemous Shriek, increased Purification from 7 to 15.
Buffed Moonlight, now it adds a Wound Hex Die to player draw pool if player has no Hex Die in his dice pool.
Removed Forge Purify Safe Die (Forge Purify 1).
Buffed Cosmic Wisdom, now it changes the Corrupt action to Area Enemy Purify instead of Purify.
Moon Bath Safe, Balanced and Risky Die won't appear on Chapter 1 anymore.
Buffed Ominous Conjuration, now it also draw 1 die.
Reworked Shadow Mastery, now player gain 1 Doom and additionally gains X Doom for each Corrupt action of any type in his hand.


Buffed Wave, now it triggers when Wave amount is at least equal enemy’s current Corruption (Like when player had old Trident of Depths Black Hole Blessing).
Reworked Trident of Depths Black Hole Blessing, now it increases Wave applied by 4 and decreases the Purification dealt by the player by 1 and it also replaces your Area Purify 2 Virtue with Enemy Wave 2 Virtue.
Reworked Apex Instinct, now a random enemy receives X Purification whenever player plays a Virtue.
Reworked Golden Tooth, now player gains 3 Apex Instinct if he plays 8 Virtues in the same turn.
Balanced Ancient Helm, now player gains 1 Empower instead of gaining 3 Empower and 3 Apex Instinct.
Reworked Geyser Uppercut, Refreshing Headbutt and Tidal Jet, now they apply Wave to the enemy only if Wave is lower than the amount required to trigger the additional ability.
Buffed Tidal Jet, Increased additional Purification from 3 to 4.
Buffed Geyser Uppercut, increased draw from 1 to 2 dice.
Nerfed Maelstrom Impact Risky Die values. Removed Balanced Die.
Nerfed Forceful Stream, now enemies receive Purification equal half the amount of Wave they have instead of the full amount.
Buffed Reef Song, now it always increases Virtues Purification by 1 in addition to Empower.
Buffed Soothe Mind, now it deals Purification to all enemies for each point of Corruption decreased on each die.
Buffed Tonic Trance, now it deals 2 Purification to a selected enemy for each point of Corruption decreased.
Buffed Illuminating Compass, now also all enemies receive 1 Purification for each point of Corruption decreased on each die.


Reworked Glowing Reactor, now player can receive Purification normally, but Whenever player receives Corruption dealt by the player itself or sentinel, Light Shield is ignored.
Reworked Battery Prototype, now it applies 1 Link: Boost to a random sentinel instead of Boost.
Buffed Fortify, now also Light Shield is not removed at the start of player turn for X turns.
Nerfed Barrier, now at the start of player turn Barrier decreases by 1.
Now Light Shield blocks Corruption before Barrier.
Reworked Augmented Welding, now it doesn't increase sentinel current Corruption when applied, only the Max Corruption.
Renamed Unstable Scrapping to Enduring Scrapping. Buffed Enduring Scrapping, now next time the sentinel that was broken by Unstable Scrapping is Repaired, all the effects that it had before being Broken will be restored.
Renamed Overloaded Repair to Enduring Repair. Buffed Enduring Repair, now all effects that the Repaired sentinel had before being Broken will be restored.
Buffed Link: Rock Plate, now it increases Corruption received by the sentinel by only 1.
Buffed Link: Vorpal Plate, now it doesn't increase Corruption received by the sentinel anymore.
Buffed Link: Empower, now it doesn't increase Corruption received by the sentinel anymore.
Buffed Link: Boost, now all enemies receive 10 Purification for each die discarded during the draw phase when Link: Boost is active.


Reworked Favorable Winds, now a random enemy receive X Purification whenever player plays a Chaotic++ Die. Favorable Winds can trigger Critical.
Buffed Invoke Gale, now it create multiple Chaotic++ Die.
Reworked starting Dice Pool. Added a Minor Aimless, 2 x Random Purify 4, 2 x Random Purify 3, 1 x Random Purify 2, 1 x Random Corrupt 1. Removed a Minor Purify.
Buffed Apian Lamp, now it makes Random Purify and Random Confuse deal Purification to a random target 2 times.
Buffed Tempest Pollen, whenever the player or a sentinel deal Purification to a sentinel, a random enemy receives 1 Purification for each Purification received by that sentinel divided by 2 (rounded down) with a minimum of 2.
Buffed Aerial Needle dice values, added 2 Random Purify die faces and now it also works with Random Confuse.
Reworked Resonant Buzz, now on the next X Purifications received by the player coming from a Random Purify or Random Confuse action, all enemies receive 1 Purification for each Purification received by the player.
Reworked Clarity Whirlwind. Now it deals Purification for each Random Purify action on player's hand. Then it changes all dice from player hand with Random Purify action into Area Enemy Purify action until the end of enemies turn and changes all dice from player hand with Purify action of any type into Random Purify action until the end of enemies turn.
Buffed Celestial Dew, now it increases Critical Multiplier for each criteria matched. For instance a Random Purify on a Safe Die will increase Critical Multiplier by 4. Now it also works with Hex Die. Now it also increases Critical Multiplier by additionally 2 if the action is Random Confuse, which means that it will increase by 2 because the action is a Confuse action of any type and 2 more because it is a Random Confuse.
Buffed Electrostatic Field, now it also works with Random Confuse.
Removed Confuse Balanced Die.


Balanced Behenian Chakram, now whenever the player receive Corruption from Affliction, Light Shield is ignored.
Buffed Eclipse Blast, now it is not a Mandatory Action anymore.
Buffed Chanting, now Starter Die doesn't make the player lose all Chanting anymore.
Nerfed Forge Chanting, now it has 5 Forge Chanting die faces and 1 Dissolve Life die face.
Buffed Fervorous Sundial, now it applies 1 Relief to a random target when Soul Heat is above 10 and is increased.
Buffed Pyramidal Anomaly, now it deals Purification X times, where X is player Soul Heat instead of half Soul Heat. Increased Purification from 2 to 3.
Buffed Bone Khopesh, now the Corruption dealt to player is not increased by any Corruption modifier, but it can be blocked. Now when reaching Soul Heat 5 it deals 6 Corruption to player and draw 1 die.
Reworked Spiritual Burst, now when below 5 Soul Heat it increases Soul Heat by 5 and deal 2 Corruption to all targets.
Reworked Desert Protection, now when below 5 Soul Heat it increases Soul Heat by 5 and apply 2 Reinforced to all targets.
Reworked Dune Surfing, now when below 6 Soul Heat it increases Soul Heat by 6 and add 2 Paralyzed Hex Die into player draw pool.
Reworked Ghastly Fire, now when below 6 Soul Heat it increases Soul Heat by 3 and apply 4 Affliction to any target.
Buffed Cleansing Conflagration, now it also applies 1 Affliction to a random enemy.
Buffed Purging Eruption, now it also applies 1 Affliction to an enemy.
Buffed Fiery Projection, now it also applies 1 Affliction to player and it deals Purification equals Soul Heat amount multiplied by half the amount of Affliction the player has.
Buffed Soul Stigma dice values, added 2 Affliction 1 die faces.
Buffed Sun Ray, now it increases Soul Heat by 2 when below 10 Soul Heat.
Balanced Refreshing Mantra, now it increases Soul Heat by 2 when below the required Soul Heat.
Buffed Precision Mantra, now it increases Soul Heat by 2 when below the required Soul Heat.
Balanced Void Mantra dice values. Now it increases Soul Heat by 2 when below the required Soul Heat. Now it decreases Soul Heat by 2 when equal or above the required Soul Heat.
Balanced Astral Mantra dice values. Now it increases Soul Heat by 2 when below the required Soul Heat. Now it decreases Soul Heat by 2 when equal or above the required Soul Heat.
Buffed Soul Intensifier, now it applies 2 Relief to the target when below the required Soul Heat.
Buffed Spread Essence, now it applies 2 Relief to the target when below the required Soul Heat.
Buffed Solar Lullaby, now it applies 1 Relief to the target when below the required Soul Heat. Now it doesn't reset reset player Soul Heat anymore.
Buffed Hourglass Mastery, now it has the Timeless keyword on itself.


Buffed Cosmic Orb, increased Purification dealt from 2 to 4.
Buffed Karma, now the Corruption dealt to player is not increased by any Corruption modifier, but it can be blocked.
Reworked Comet Convergence, now it applies 1 Cosmic Dust to player and deal Purification to any target for each time Cosmic Orb was Cast during the battle.
Removed Comet Shower Convergence dice.
Reworked Catalyst, now it applies X Astrium to player when Astrium is triggered.
Buffed Ultranova, changed Area Purify action to Ultranova action that deal X Purification to all targets and has the Timeless keyword on itself. New dice values are 1 x Ultranova 80, 1 x Ultranova 5, 1 x Ultranova 4, 1 x Ultranova 3, 1 x Ultranova 2, 1 x Ultranova 1.
Buffed Nebula Cascade and Devotion Cascade, now it also applies 2 Astrium to player.
Nerfed Prediction Convergence, now it moves player Orbs Clockwise 1 time.
Nerfed Magistral Replication, now it decreases Astrium by 4. Changed Safe Die to be Balanced Die, now it has 5 Magistral Replication die faces and 1 Dissolve Life die face.
Buffed Stellar Synthetization dice values, added another Stellar Synthetization die face. Now it also applies 1 Astrium if player has less than 9 Astrium.
Buffed Order Synthetization, now it also applies 1 Astrium if player has less than 9 Astrium.
Removed Vow Reinforcement die.
Changed Fragility Pact requirement from Karmic Orb to Cosmic Orb.
Buffed Merciful Convergence and Karmic Exchange, now it also Casts Karmic Orb 1 time.
Buffed Cleromancy, now it applies 1 Light Shield to player for each die discarded.
Buffed Catalyst Convergence and Volatile Reaction, now player also gain 1 Astrium.


Fallen Hermit Tainted Reef Hard Battle buffed, increased Max Corruption from 30 to 45.
Doomed Astronomer Astropolis Ruins Boss Battle reworked, now Armillary Rejector and Armillary Negator start with Eldritch Connection effect, that makes Doomed Astronomer receive half Purification of every Purification received by them.
Tormented Seer Ground Zero Normal Battle nerfed on all anomalies.
Shady Sculpture and Misty Urchiriuns Ground Zero Normal Battle changed to be a Hard Battle. Increasead Shady Sculpture Max Corruption from 80-90 to 100-110.
All Hard Battle enemies on Ground Zero, but Voidsmith, now have their Max Corruption increased on the second Hard Battle of Ground Zero.
Corrupted Moonie Astrea's Heart Boss Battle nerfed.
Voidsmith Ground Zero Hard Battle reworked, now Aphotic Instinct effect also has the following description "Whenever its Doom reaches 0, Mandatory actions don’t need to be played to end your turn.".

Now the actual patch notes for this specific update (not translated)

Patch Notes


- Added final UI for sentinel Auto Repair.
- Added localization for all the reworked mechanics.



- Artisan Staff can appear on Chapter 1 again, but will only appear if player has at least one sentinel.


- Moon Bath can appear on Chapter 1 again.


- Buffed Barrier, now it decreases by 1 at the start of player turn instead of at the start of each creature turn.


- Anemonites Tainted Reef Hard Battle nerfed, all Anomalies nerfed. Anemonite and Anemonaith Anomaly 0 nerfed, decreased Overcorruption action from Player Corrupt 6 to 4. Anemonite Anomaly 3 nerfed, decreased die face Area Corrupt 1 + Player Doom 2 to Area Corrupt 1 + Player Doom 1. Anemonite Anomaly 8 nerfed, decreased die face Player Corrupt 3 + Player Doom 3 to Player Corrupt 3 + Player Doom 2. Anemonaith Anomaly 3 and Anomaly 8 nerfed, decreased die face Area Corrupt 2 + Dizzy Hex 1 to Area Corrupt 1 + Dizzy Hex 1. Anemonaith Anomaly 3 nerfed, changed die face Player Corrupt 3 + Dizzy Hex 1 to Player Corrupt 3 + Wound Hex 1 and changed a die face Player Corrupt 2 + Wound Hex 1 to Player Corrupt 3 + Enemy Self Corrupt 2. Anemonaith Anomaly 8 nerfed, decreased die face Area Corrupt 1 + Dizzy Hex 2 to Area Corrupt 1 + Dizzy Hex 1, decreased die face Player Corrupt 3 + Wound Hex 2 die face to Player Corrupt 2 + Wound Hex 2 and increased die face Player Corrupt 2 + Wound Hex 1 to Player Corrupt 3 + Wound Hex 1.
- Voidsmith Ground Zero Hard Battle reworked, now Aphotic Instinct effect also has the following description "Whenever its Doom reaches 0, Mandatory actions don’t need to be played to end your turn.".

Bug Fixes

- Fixed Vacuum Wings not working on Blessing Sets mods.
- Fixed softlock right after player wins the first battle with Orion.
- Fixed Starter Dice Sets mods not working.
- Fixed Corrupted Sothis softlocking when activing Eclipse Blast with even Corrupted Soul.
- Fixed player Boost and Link: Boost dealing Purification outside of draw phase.
- Fixed Controls settings with wrong text.
- Fixed Bone Khopesh and Contemplation Sarcophagus causing a softlock when player have both of them.
- Fixed infinity effects sometimes with no infinity symbol and wrong tooltip value.
- Fixed Rewind Chanting not triggering Sands of Time when played by a sentinel.
- Fixed Disruptive Knuckles and Detonation Coil interaction when defeating Astrea Avatar making Collapsed Astrea stay in the wobbling animation forever.
- Fixed player having Indigo Soul and defeating last Astrea Avatar with Abyssal Shatter and losing a Heart even with Indigo Soul.
- Fixed sometimes effects persisting from Astrea first phase battle to Astrea second phase battle.
- Fixed Upper UI controller inputs not working when just entering Astrea's Heart map.
- Fixed soflock when playing Selenic Domination without any die to be drawn.
- Fixed die getting stuck when playing Reduction on a die with a zero.
- Fixed Hive Module not increasing sentinel Critical rate properly.
- Fixed Righteous Conjuration casting current orb more times than it should.
- Fixed Anomaly and Astrea level text box persisting in main menu when using joystick.
- Fixed softlock when playing a Precision action and Sands of Time and Sage's Card trigger.
- Fixed Sentinel Shop charging extra Star Shards sometimes.
- Fixed softlock when Bottled Aurora triggers Arcanist's Orerry when player had Boost and the Epic Die trigger Boost Purification.
- Fixed softlock when drawing dice and triggering Spectral Harverter at the same time.
- Fixed Bottled Aurora triggering outside of draw phase when drawing dice and triggering Spectral Harverter at the same time.
- Fixed dice and Virtues getting stuck to the mouse sometimes.
- Fixed Reef Song virtue Purification value increase persisting between battles when player had Empower.
- Fixed softlock when playing Invoke Gale and triggering Sage's Card.
- Fixed softlock when Rolling Stars + Bottled Aurora defeats an enemy that is not the last enemy in the battle.
- Fixed softlock when Rolling Stars + Bottled Aurora triggers Crimson Equinox.
- Fixed Crimson Equinox sometimes triggering in the wrong/moment.
- Fixed Artisan Staff not adding Infinity Boost to sentinels.
- Fixed Meteor Rain increasing Apian Skyfall Purification twice.
- Fixed Empower not being applied immediately when a die face with two actions is Converted.

Localization Fixes

- Fixed Mirror of Thought and Crystallized Memory description in Deutsch.
Post edited August 14, 2024 by FlockeSchnee
(from Steam)

Astrea: Six-Sided Oracles update for 27 September 2024
Hot Fix - v1.2.78

Hey Oracles,

This patch just fix some easy to reproduce bugs from the latest Daily Run patch :moonie:
Sorry for the trouble!

Patch Notes
Hot Fix

- Fixed Mods not working.
- Fixed Achievements not being unlocked on Steam.
- Fixed continuing a run and all Virtues are changed.
- Fixed Quit button not working.
- Fixed Delete Save button not working.

Localization Fixes

- Fixed "Press any button" text from main menu in japanese.

May Astrea bless you

I'm guessing this is included:

MAJOR Astrea: Six-Sided Oracles update for 26 September 2024
Daily Run (v1.2.0) and Console Release!

For those who didn't see our Anniversary Post where we talked a little about what this patch introduces, here are informations about the new features!
If you are someone who likes endless replayability, you will love this update.

Buddy created a Daily Run Deep Dive video to introduce this new feature to you all, check it out!!

Daily Run
Every day a new seeded challenge! Random Oracle, Random Virtues, Random Starting Dice and Random Modifiers (Modifiers will make run weird in a good way!).

Run Customization
You can also make your own customization, you don't need to wait until a new day for a new challenge.

40+ Modifiers to play with!
Some of them will change the game a lot like "Goddess Trickery" that changes one of the core mechanics of the game "Mandatory actions don't need to be played to end your turn.".
Post edited September 27, 2024 by FlockeSchnee