Sufyan: The mistake you made was playing the singleplayer campaign. With this series of games, the single player campaigns are just tech demos scratching the surface of the true scripting potential for modders.
To strike gold with this game, you need to have a group of friends or people who'se motivations you can trust and play lengthy all-encompassing multiplayer operations created by dedicated people who care about authenticity. Driving a HMMWV loaded up with explosives and ammunition with three other friends on a full scaled Takistan map slowly conquering village after village, occasionally spotting emergent fire fights between AI controlled units (not scripted events, things just turned out this way because of the dynamic AI) and spending hours looking through binoculars trying to correct your machine-gun toting buddy's fire is some of the most immersive and exciting fun I've ever had in a game.
There was this one time we were driving a Special Forces HMMWV with a mounted Mk.19 grenade launcher. I was manning the grenade launcher. Suddenly the driver calls out insurgents to our left but all I see is a lot of trees. "Just open fire damnit!". We're speeding through a village taking fire from enemies I can't spot because I'm to busy blasting the treeline. Suddenly both our driver and the player next to him are injured. We crash through a wall and come to a stop with a building between us and the enemy. The fight only lasted about two minutes but in this time we took turns shooting, dragging the wounded to safety and applying adrenaline and bandages, all the while yelling with excitement. It is one of the most memorable multiplayer experiences I've ever had. Strangely enough, to me it felt like a real bonding experience between me and my friends, which kind of gave me a taste of what war and danger can do for camraderie.
The ArmA games are blank slate world simulators with lots of guns and war machines to add according to taste. It is up to you to put together a group of people to create an excellent experience.
after reading your post now I understand that the potential of this game is in the multiplayer.
Unfortunately I don´t have time or friends that are able to try to play this game with me