HereForTheBeer: I would love to see your setup. Any chance of starting a thread about it in the General section?
sorry I wasn't here for a while, cause I had to do so much other things. Yes we can. But at the moment I'm very bussy. To get a job I had to move to another town. So I'm not much online in the next time.
My Cockpit is a bit of an reasonable compromise between playability and real simulation.
Today it's possible to have working Instruments and MFD's, but only for a few sims. Mostly this is the MS Flightsimulator, X-Plane or in the military sector Falcon or DCS. Since I'm playing a lot of older Sims and want
to be able to use the Pit for them all, I had to make this compromise. So no working Instruments. Just the buttons and switches in the pit are working and the HOTAS.
Last Thing I was working on was a cyclic for Heli-Sims. I really enjoy Heliflying, but there are only a few sims that have a good flightmodel. I hoped that TakeOn Helicopters has such one, but I was very disapointed. I never had flown a chopper by my self, but talked much with Helipilots from ADAC here in Germany. They told me that one of the closest to the real thing was the good old SAR4. You couldn't do extreme flight maneuvers in this sim, but the normal behavior must be really good. Another one, and my favorite is the EECH-Series with the Allmods-Mod. I really love this sim.
Since my favorite jetfighter is the good old F-14 Tomcat, the other sim that must be able to play in the pit is the Strike Fighters Series. The other older Sims that I love is Janes F-15, F-18, IAF, USAF and the Longbow Anthology. Or the old Novalogic Sims like F-16 Multirole, Mig-29 and Comanche Gold. Another good series was the sims of Digital Integration with Hind, Apache and F-16. They had 3DFX support. But none of the wrappers worked with them. With NGlide you could run really much, but no Digital Integration Game. So I had to have a machine with an old 3DFX-Card in. As you can see those things are really old, but they are still good. Much better as many new eye-candy sims. But it's a real challenge to get those things running on modern systems. For some of them a few freaks have made patches to get them running on win 7 64. But for most older games you need an old machine.
That and the low on money problem was the beginning of a never ending story ;-)