yonazzan73: Playing the game at the moment, and loving it. I'll try this tonight. Apart from the SP missions, do you know what it fixes?
F4LL0UT: Sadly I don't know in detail because there's no changelog (at least none that I know of) but quite a few files are included with the patch which cover the main campaign, SP and MP missions, the Camel (WW1 plane, sadly not the animal) and other stuff.
yonazzan73: I notice that the target marker is sometimes a little off, specially when you have to enter a vehicle, but other than that the game runs fine, altough I'm only in the 7th mission or so.
F4LL0UT: Are you playing in a widescreen resolution, maybe? The game's interface is generally a bit weird but I can't say that it's "off" - I played it in a 4:3 resolution without a noticeable offset so maybe there's some sort of offset when you play the game with another aspect ratio (I noticed that the picture is distorted when playing in a 16:10 resolution and instantly switched to 4:3).
I'm playing in 4:3, at the default resolution. I think it's a problem with the engine, as if the hud places some of the targets a few meters away from the real target. For instance, I was driving a truck, following a jeep, and the yeloow follow icon waq 10 meters to the left of the jeep. Sometimes the yellow icon is spot on... Anyway, it's a little annoying but not game breaking, and boy, the game is so good I just don't care.
By the way, do you think the manual update was added to the GOG installer, I didn't notice anything different after patching the game.
I just to think the original Ghost Recon was the best military shooter out there, it's not anymore. And the ammount of content in this game it's just mind blowing.