thedaemon: With magic you can get a calm animal spell that works no problem most of the time. Also I can one hit kill almost anything with magic. So far I've figured out magic is way easier than tech.
pretty much. max out your magical affinity and one shot kill everything, speak to the souls of the departed (very rarely do they have dialog though), teleport across the map instantly (no tech alternative to that... but you lose out on trains which you would have gotten earlier), unlock all locked objects with a word and a gesture. etc.
Magic is 100% Dependant on your character and does not require equipment (although you would want a magic dagger of +50 mana), which means its easier to min-max it early on (whereas with tech you need to acquire the components and diagrams in order to craft stuff).
If you want a really easy game, consider rerolled a mage. But you don't HAVE to play a mage to have fun and beat the game (and it is possible to make a badly designed mage). There is lots of fun to be had from playing this game as a tech master. You even get cool stuff like an alien beam weapon IIRC and a resurrection concoction and a suit of power armor and some amazing kickass swords. (I think for melee, tech stuff is coolest).