Browse to the game's folder. Right click on "arcanum.exe" and choose "
Send To >
Desktop (Create Shortcut)".
Now you should have a shortcut for the game on your desktop. Right click on this one and click on "
Properties". Open the "
Shortcut" tab and edit the "
Target" field, copying this text:
%WINDIR%\System32\cmd.exe /C start "ARCANUM" /D "C:\ARCANUM" /high /affinity 1 "C:\ARCANUM\arcanum.exe"
You must change the game's path if different from "C:\ARCANUM". For instance, if the game's path is "C:\Program Files\GOG\Arcanum", then you should change the line as this:
%WINDIR%\System32\cmd.exe /C start "ARCANUM" /D "C:\Program Files\GOG\Arcanum" /high /affinity 1 "C:\Program Files\GOG\Arcanum\arcanum.exe"
Save and try to run the game. If everything went fine, it should now run using only one core of your CPU.
As you can see, I have removed the "-no3d" and "-doublebuffer" parameters.
If you still have issues and need to try to use them, simply add them to the end of the "Target" line. Save and try again.