pavlekocev25: Any suggestions for things or items that can help increase the Fire Resistance?
Magic rings, up through and including the Arcane Ring, increase DR, ER, PR and of course FR.
Leather armor has a built in FR, with magical leathers boosting that as well. Magical cloaks and robes also have FR.
Of course, if the goal is to avoid taking any damage to yourself, your weapons and/or your armor, your options are ranged weapons (including bows, firearms and chakrams) or Arcane melee weapons, which cannot be damaged by flames.
You can get Arcane items with a decent amount of money and a whole lot of patience, by power-shopping any of the gypsies living at the edge of town (in Shrouded Hills, Tarant, Ashbury or Caladon). Or you could get lucky and find them in various chests and barrels as you explore the land.