abbayarra: Hello,
If you improve your skills high enough you can pay money to improve what you can do. Also not really well documented is that you can target body parts in Arcanum with different attacks.
This is from the WIKI ____________
Called shots
Note that called shots can only target the head, arms or legs. Non-called shots are randomly distributed to parts of the body (not equally; most are torso shots). So if you do not make a called shot, you will still hit your target’s head, arms or legs occasionally.
You can’t make a called arm shot on an avian, but you can target a quadruped’s forelegs with a called “arm” shot. You can’t make any called shots on amorphous creatures.
The called shot penalties for head, arms and legs are -50, -30 and -30, respectively. Firearms can have these penalties reduced by 1/3rd with expert training.
All called shots provide +10% better chance than non-called shots for generic effects, like doing bonus damage. Otherwise, the effects are as follows:
Head with no helmet: +25% stun, +25% knocked out, +15% blinded (in addition to all other effects, like crushing or electrical damage has increases for stunning or knockout)
Head with helmet: No bonus chance to stun or knock out, but +10% to blind. Plus, if doing crushing damage, 15% chance to knock off the helmet.
Leg: +10% crippled leg, +25% knocked down (bipeds only)
Arm: +10% crippled arm
Called shots can be made by holding down the following keys before clicking on an enemy. The cursor will change based on the called shot being made.
, (comma) - head shots
. (period) - arm shots
/ (forward slash) - leg shots
Thanks for your detailed answer. I had on my mind something more like "power attack" etc. But nevermind, it's ok, I just played basically all D&D RPG before I started Arcanum, so I was and still am under its influence a bit. But i really do love Arcanum! :)