Posted April 24, 2011
Seriously, I'm not trolling. I'm a huge fan of Black Isle, Troika and Obsidian, and I really want to enjoy this game, but for the last twenty hours or so it's been making me nothing but miserable.
My first couple of attempts ended in utter confusion, so I looked through the first few pages of some random walkthrough for pointers. That helped a bit (basically, I've forgotten some of the things that would've been obvious ten years back, guess I just started taking the now-common dumbing-down of RPGs for granted), although it also produced the first "WTF???" for me. I mean, it's an RPG centered around the technology/magick conflict. And the recommended "easy" character is a terminally stupid neutral melee fighter.
That didn't quite sit well with me, as I wanted to explore the titular conflict in some depth, after all. So I started playing using a techie character without any particular combat-related deficiencies, and with a few points dropped towards melee combat basics. I was having fun for quite some time and even got over the fairly omnipresent "you talked to me, now lick my boots or I'm gonna gib you in one turn" characters.
Anyway, I did a bunch of side quests (funny how wilderness encounters you see every two seconds on the world map give you far more experience points than the actual, um, *questing*), then decided to proceed with the main quest. Black Mountain Mines or whatnot.
At this point I was constantly strapped for cash (guess I wasn't being enough of a pack mule, refusing to haul every last bit of random junk to a vendor who would agree to take it off my hands for a reasonable price?) My tech aptitude really started kicking in, so Virgil was knocked out half the time trying to keep me alive. Once again, I guess I could spend half an hour in the wilderness picking roots, but if I fancied that kind of thing, I'd be playing WoW instead of Arcanum most likely.
So anyway. The force composition in Black Mountain Mines is driving me crazy. What the hell was the thought behind putting there half a million kites who can't even scratch my team interspersed with a bunch of monsters that tear off my character's limbs in two hits?! Am I too low level for this location? Or too high level? Or... something else? WTF???
And it's not even like this is is any way level-related. There are some utterly harmless level 30 mobs, and some fairly outlandish level 15's. Okay, so the whole monster level concept requires quite some suspension of disbelief, but from the gamist perspective it does make a lot of sense to tailor areas to a certain power level (unless there's some sort of a power scaling scheme in place).
And then there are traps. Now, perhaps it was naive of me to listen to that walkthrough I mentioned before, but it implored me in a rather kind-hearted manner to ignore the trap-related skills: "Oh don't bother, my dear chap, the traps in this game are nothing but mosquito bites. Leveling those skills would be a waste of perfectly good skill points you could apply elsewhere."
Mosquito bites, yeah. Only there's half a zillion of them!!!
Is maneuvering around those minefields - or, god forbid, disarming them - supposed to be fun?
So for the last three hours or so I've been reduced to mostly waiting for Virgil to regain enough consciousness to heal my team (or at least try to do so). Then I walk about thirty feet, and all of a sudden my guys are poisoned, half-dead and require urgent armour repairs.
Now I know I'm doing something wrong. And I'm really enjoying the dialogue, the atmosphere and the characters (I find Virgil's tendency for unconsciousness just charming). But I really hope that righting the "wrong" doesn't boil down to either learning to enjoy the pain, mindless grinding for levels/ingredients/gold or building a square-jawed power character and playing through the game in a strict order.
I hope someone can help me without spoiling the good parts.
My first couple of attempts ended in utter confusion, so I looked through the first few pages of some random walkthrough for pointers. That helped a bit (basically, I've forgotten some of the things that would've been obvious ten years back, guess I just started taking the now-common dumbing-down of RPGs for granted), although it also produced the first "WTF???" for me. I mean, it's an RPG centered around the technology/magick conflict. And the recommended "easy" character is a terminally stupid neutral melee fighter.
That didn't quite sit well with me, as I wanted to explore the titular conflict in some depth, after all. So I started playing using a techie character without any particular combat-related deficiencies, and with a few points dropped towards melee combat basics. I was having fun for quite some time and even got over the fairly omnipresent "you talked to me, now lick my boots or I'm gonna gib you in one turn" characters.
Anyway, I did a bunch of side quests (funny how wilderness encounters you see every two seconds on the world map give you far more experience points than the actual, um, *questing*), then decided to proceed with the main quest. Black Mountain Mines or whatnot.
At this point I was constantly strapped for cash (guess I wasn't being enough of a pack mule, refusing to haul every last bit of random junk to a vendor who would agree to take it off my hands for a reasonable price?) My tech aptitude really started kicking in, so Virgil was knocked out half the time trying to keep me alive. Once again, I guess I could spend half an hour in the wilderness picking roots, but if I fancied that kind of thing, I'd be playing WoW instead of Arcanum most likely.
So anyway. The force composition in Black Mountain Mines is driving me crazy. What the hell was the thought behind putting there half a million kites who can't even scratch my team interspersed with a bunch of monsters that tear off my character's limbs in two hits?! Am I too low level for this location? Or too high level? Or... something else? WTF???
And it's not even like this is is any way level-related. There are some utterly harmless level 30 mobs, and some fairly outlandish level 15's. Okay, so the whole monster level concept requires quite some suspension of disbelief, but from the gamist perspective it does make a lot of sense to tailor areas to a certain power level (unless there's some sort of a power scaling scheme in place).
And then there are traps. Now, perhaps it was naive of me to listen to that walkthrough I mentioned before, but it implored me in a rather kind-hearted manner to ignore the trap-related skills: "Oh don't bother, my dear chap, the traps in this game are nothing but mosquito bites. Leveling those skills would be a waste of perfectly good skill points you could apply elsewhere."
Mosquito bites, yeah. Only there's half a zillion of them!!!
Is maneuvering around those minefields - or, god forbid, disarming them - supposed to be fun?
So for the last three hours or so I've been reduced to mostly waiting for Virgil to regain enough consciousness to heal my team (or at least try to do so). Then I walk about thirty feet, and all of a sudden my guys are poisoned, half-dead and require urgent armour repairs.
Now I know I'm doing something wrong. And I'm really enjoying the dialogue, the atmosphere and the characters (I find Virgil's tendency for unconsciousness just charming). But I really hope that righting the "wrong" doesn't boil down to either learning to enjoy the pain, mindless grinding for levels/ingredients/gold or building a square-jawed power character and playing through the game in a strict order.
I hope someone can help me without spoiling the good parts.