southern: It wasn't working fast enough even before I got caught, but I would have liked to see how far I could push it if I had warp party and you didn't have (even potential) access to Town Gate
It would have been a rather chance oriented casting. Warp Party could possibly have dropped you in range of my leader, which would probably have ended me, but it would be far more likely to leave you in a vulnerable situation (next to one of my various archer stacks). If I realized you were starting to use it, then odds are good I'd have had my leader camp out in a massive stack of archers in the 4 hex human city.
Or maybe you'd have gotten stuck on one of the tiny islands for a few turns. :)
southern: Also, I've never seen this discussion about the hero levelup message on the old forums; does this mean we are pro MLG Gamers compared to them? Maybe we should start an official tournament.